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A desert can be a type of landscape, but not a landform. As a general rule, landforms are smaller than deserts, being a feature of a landscape or the land's surface. Landforms include valleys, plateaus, mountains, plains and hills, to name a few examples.

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No, they aren't. Deserts are biomes that contain a number of landforms.

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Q: What type of landform does a desert have?
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A desert is not a landform. A landform is a feature that is part of the landscape. Any desert is a landscape rather than a landform.

What is the largest type of landform in North Africa?

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A desert is not a landform however, it may contain a variety of landforms such as mountains, canyons, plains, dunes, etc.

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A desert is neither a plain nor a landform. A plain is a landform.

What kind of landform is a desert?

A desert is a biome and not a landform. The desert, however, contains a number of landforms.

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The desert is not a landform, it is a biome. It does contain a variety of landforms, however.

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No, a desert is not a landform. The Nubian Desert is a division of the much larger Sahara. It is a desert biome, not a landform. It does, however, contain a number of landforms.

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The desert is not a landform, it is a biome. A landform is a feature of a biome.

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A desert, mountain range, or a jungle could be. : )

Is a desert a landform or body of water?

A desert is neither a landform nor a body of water, it is a biome. There are a variety of landforms in the desert, however.

Is a desert a land feature?

No, the desert is a biome and not a landform or feature.

Is Ayers Rock a biome type?

No. Ayers Rock is a landform. It is situated within the semi-arid desert biome.