

What type of landforms do glaciers form?

Updated: 1/1/2023
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11y ago

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V shaped valleys, kettle lakes, and the world will never know

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Elian Konopelski

Lvl 13
1y ago
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Q: What type of landforms do glaciers form?
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Is a glaciers a mager land form?

Glaciers are not major landforms because they aren't land. Glaciers do, however, create landforms

What kinds of landforms do wind and glaciers form?

They generally form mountains.

On what type of landforms can Alpine glaciers be found?

mountain valleys

What kinds of landforms do wind and glaciers generally form?

Wind can shape alredy present rocks, and glaciers normally form fjords.

What category does glaciers have?

The Category that Glaciers fall into is Landforms.

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the earth's landforms are valleys, plateus, mountains, plains, hills, loess. and glaciers

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it is the creation of new landforms

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