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About 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice, which averages at least 1.6 kilometres (1.0 mi) in thickness.

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Q: What type of landscape is Antarctica considered?
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What are the names of the cold deserts of the world?

Antarctica is considered to be the coldest desert in the world. It has a barren landscape and no rain fall.

Much of antarctica is considered what type of biome?

Antarctica is considered a dry desert.. this means the biome is a desert! also 98% of Antarctica is covered with ice !

How much rain does Antarctica get?

Antarctica receives little rainfall in 1 year. About 35-50 centimeters of water is received in Antarctica. It may sound strange, but Antarctica is also considered a desert, a landscape/ region that receives little or no precipitation.

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Eastern Antarctica is directly south of Africa. Antarctica is home to over two thirds of the world fresh water is considered a desert due to its lack of precipitation and its barren landscape.

Much of Antarctica is considered what type of biome is it tundra desert forests or grasslands?

Believe it or not, with all of that frozen water around, Antarctica is considered to be desert.

Why might antarctica be attracive to people?

Antarctica is an extremely beautiful, pristine and exotic landscape.

What kind of landscape did Lewis and Clark experience during their expedition?

The type of landscape that Lewis and Clark experienced during their expedition was considered untamed. This land was considered unpredictable and dangerous.

What is landscape of Antarctica?

Ninety-eight percent of Antarctica is covered with an ice sheet. It's underlying landscape is mostly unknown, but it does represent 10% of the surface of the Earth.

Much of antarctica is considered what type of blome?

There is no category of biome that covers Antarctica. Antarctica is the largest desert on earth (desert just means low humidity, not sand)

What is landscape in the south pole?

The South Pole is on the continent of Antarctica. Antarctica is an ice-covered landmass, with mountains..

What to people come to look at in Antarctica?

People who visit Antarctica are treated to the views of the most exotic landscape on earth.

What are the tourists doing to Antarctica?

Generally, tourists go to Antarctica to tour -- it is the most exotic visual landscape on earth.