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Q: What type of late boundary separates the African Plate from the Arabian Plate?
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What plate boundary separates the North American plate from the African plate?

Divergent plate boundary

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What tectonic plate is drifting away from the African plate?

The Arabian plate The Arabian Plate was part of the African plate during much of the Phanerozoic Eon. The Red Sea rifting began in the Eocene, but the separation of Africa and Arabia occurred in the Oligocene, and since then the Arabian Plate has been slowly moving toward the Eurasian Plate, where is is pushing up the Zagros Mountains of Iran.

Which two tectonic plates are separated by the midocean ridge?

The mid ocean ridge separates many plates, not just two. In the Atlantic Ocean it separates the Eurasian and African plates from the North American Plate and the African Plate from the South American Plate. In the Indian Ocean it separates the African Plate from the Antarctic, Australian, Indian Plates and the Australian Plate from the Antarctic Plate. In the Red Sea it separates the African Plate from the Arabian Plate. In the Pacific Ocean it separates the Pacific Plate from the Antarctic, Nazca, Cocos, and Juan de Fuca Plates and the Nazca Plate from the Cocos and Antarctic Plates.

What kind of plate boundary separates the arctic plate and the Pacific Plate?

Divergent Plate Boundary. (Seafloor Spreading).

What kind of boundary separates the South American Plate from the Nazca Plate?

It is called a convergent plate boundary.

What type of plate boundary is Haiti on?

Haiti is located on a transform boundary that separates the Caribbean plate and the North American plate.

Witch 2 plates formed the rift valley that the Red Sea now occupies?

African Plate and Arabian Plate

What type of plate is the Mid Atlantic Ridge?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is not actually a tectonic plate, but a divergent boundary between plates where new oceanic crust is being created on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. To the north, it marks the boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate. To the south, it separates the African Plate from the South American Plate.

As the African plate and the Arabian plate move away from one another a body of water called the red sea continues to grow what type of boundary exists here?


What type of plate boundary is closest to England?

The plate boundary between the Eurasian plate and African plate.

What two plates formed the African rift valley?

The African Rift Valley is the boundary between the African Plate and the Arabian plate. Being a continental-continental divergent boundary, the two plates are drifting apart. The two plates are experiencing tensional stress and normal faulting, and will continue to rift as the plates continue to separate.