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Krakotoa lava was known to be made of dacite or rhyolite. This explains the magnitude of the eruption. I hope this helped. :)

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2mo ago

Krakatoa is known to erupt basaltic lava, which is a type of lava low in silica content and therefore less viscous. This type of lava tends to flow more easily and create relatively gentle eruptions compared to more silica-rich and viscous lava types.

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12y ago

The Mt. Krakatoa has a basaltic magma

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16y ago

It has pohoehoe It has pohoehoe

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Q: What type of lava is extruded from Krakatoa?
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Did Krakatoa have high viscosity lava?

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Does Krakatoa make pillow lava?

No. Pillow lava is basaltic, low-viscosity lava. Krakatoa is a stratovolcano with a style of ereuption more characteristic of high-viscosity andesitic lava.

What is it called when Magma that is extruded onto the surface either beneath water or air?

When magma is extruded onto the surface beneath water, it is called pillow lava, and when it is extruded onto the surface in contact with air, it is called lava flows.

Is the lava of Krakatoa AAA or pahoehoe?

The lava of Krakatoa volcano is typically AAA lava, which is characterized by its thick and viscous texture. This type of lava tends to flow slowly and can create steep-sided volcanoes. Pahoehoe lava, on the other hand, is more fluid and forms smooth, rope-like textures when it cools.

What type rock is Krakatoa?

It has pohoehoe It has pohoehoe

When does magma (molten rock) become lava?

When it is extruded onto the surface.

What lava does Krakatoa hold inside?

at least 1,530 degrees

What is the meaning of extrusion?

the act or process of extruding also: a form or product produced by this processThrusting or forcing out. The volcano extruded lava. I extruded my dog from the house after it bit me.

Does Krakatoa produce lava or pyroclastic flow?

Yes, of course Krakatoa has a pyroclastic flow. Every volcano has an pyroclastic flow, which can travel up to at huge speeds. Krakatoa's pyroclastic flow raced an amazing 200 mph over 20 miles of open sea. Yes Krakatoa has pyroclastic flows but not all volcanoes produce pyroclastic flows, only Mt. St. Helens type volcanoes usually composed of andesite. Kilauea for example does not produce pyroclastic flows because it is composed of basalt, the lava flows out easily.

What name is given to magma when it is extruded at earths surface?

Lava. The word lava is from the latin word labes:to slide/fall. As lava leaves the volcano,it's temperature can vary from 700 degrees C to 1,200 degrees C,and can be up to 1,000 times more viscous than water.

What is Krakatoa made of?

Krakatoa is made primarily of basaltic rock, a type of volcanic rock that is formed from rapidly cooling lava. The volcano is also composed of ash, pumice, and other volcanic materials that have accumulated over time through eruptions.