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Q: What type of list is not allowed in reference papers?
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Related questions

A type of list not allowed on papers?

Bulleted is a list not allowed on papers.

What type of indent is used in a reference list for APA papers?

A hanging indent is used in a reference list for APA papers.

What type of list is not allowed in papers?


What type of indent is allowed in a reference list?

There are a large number of general rules of Reference list in APA citation. One of them is the rule of indention. The indention of the reference list should be a hanging indent.

What type of list is not allowed in APA format writing papers?

Bulleted or numbered lists are generally discouraged in APA format writing papers. Instead, APA guidelines recommend using prose to present information in a clear and concise manner. If a list is necessary, it should be integrated into the paragraph instead of being displayed as a separate list.

Types of abbreviations allowed in apa papers?

Acronym is the type of abbreviation allowed in an APA paper.

What type of abbreviations are allowed in APA formatted papers?

acronyms Acronyms are abbreviations allowed in APA style papers.

What type of lists not allowed in papers?


Type of list not aloud in papers?


Is array list value type or reference type?

Arrays are reference type. array values are always pass by reference.

Type of indent used in a referance list?

A hanging indent is used in a reference list.

Type of indent in a reference list?

A hanging indent is used in a refrence list.