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Longitudinal and circular muscles. These are known as antagonistic muscles, meaning that one relaxes whilst the other contracts.

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8y ago

The digestive tract uses smooth muscle. If you compared it to thigh muscles, the thigh has striated muscle. Smooth muscle contracts and relaxes in a rhythmic manner, continually.

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Q: What type of muscle is located in the walls of the digestive organs?
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Striated muscles are located in the walls of internal organs such as the digestive tract?


Which type of muscle are located in the walls of internal organs and are not under voluntary control?

smooth muscle

The mechanical and chemical receptors that control digestive activity are located?

In the walls of the tract organs

What kind of Involuntary muscle is found in the walls of blood vessels and in the digestive tract?

Smooth muscle tissue is the type of muscle tissue found in the walls of many organs and blood vessels in the body.

What are the 3 different muscle types?

The 3 different types of muscle are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle is located on the walls of hollow organs, cardiac muscle is located on the wall of the heart, and skeletal muscle is located on skeletal muscle organs (most organs). Their functions include movement in walls of hollow organs, pumping of blood, and movement of bones, heat production and posture, respectively. Cardiac and smooth muscle are involuntary, whereas skeletal muscle is voluntary. Both cardiac and skeletal muscles have striations, but smooth muscle does not.

What is the type of muscle found in walls of your organs?

Smooth muscle.

What type of muscle found in the walls of your organs?

Smooth muscle.

What type of muscle that is food in the digestive tract and blood vessels?

Smooth Muscles

What are function of the smooth muscle layer of the digestive system?

Digestive organs

What muscle helps move food through your digestive system?

Smooth muscle is involuntary tissue. It is not controlled by the brain. Smooth muscle forms the muscle layers in the walls of organs such as the lower part of the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

Smooth muscle can be found in the walls of blood vessels and in the?

digestive tract

What is the process of pushing food through you body?

The food gets pushed through your digestive system by contaction in a ring of the smooth muscle in the walls of the various organs of the digestive tract (oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine) and this is called peristaltism.