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Q: What type of observations is science based on?
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What is science based on?

Science is based on observations and repeated experimentation.

Is science based on Empirical observations or unchaning facts or solely on experiments?

Science is based on a mixture of all three: observations, laws of nature, and experimental data. The root of science, however, lies in observation.

What is a hypothesis for seventh grade science?

Hypothesis is based on an observations & it is a idea of an predictions

What is scientific based on?

Scientific is based on Science there is different types such as Scientific investigations, and Scientific observations and so on.Bassicslly when you put science into something your doing it makes it scientific.

In science what is an idea or explanation that is based on observations and that can be tested?

Theory A scientific theory is a well tested explanation for a wide range of observations or experimental results

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Scientific law is what?

a phenomenon of nature that has been proven to invariably

Can you give 5 qualitative observations in science?

Color Shape Reaction Type Scent Texture

What contribution did the Mayans make to modern science?

They created accurate calendars based on observations of the sun, mon, and planets

Is paranormal investigation fact based science?

A true investigation is fact based but most paranormal investigations are not rigorous enough and do not have enough controls for the observations to be tested scientifically thefore paranormal research can not be regarded as a science.

Why can't science answer beliefs or opinions?

Science can impact beliefs and opinions only to the extent that the beliefs and opinions are based on repeatable observations of physical processes that can be subjected to experiment.

What conclusions can be drawn based upon too few facts or observations?

Faulty conclusions may be drawn when they're based upon too few facts or observations. In science, a conclusion is arrived at after a careful search for available, reliable information. That information is dependable when it's based on the careful trial and error recording of experiments, interviews and observations.