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Autotrouphs or green plants

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Q: What type of organism that provide food for the other members of the ecosystem?
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Related questions

What will happen if an organism is alone in a ecosystem?

If an organism is alone in a ecosystem it will definitely die. A single organism cannot form an ecosystem as it has to interact with other organisms.

What type of organism can obtain energy directly from any of the other organism in an ecosystem?


What is the smallest unit of organism in an ecosystem?

Interacting With Other Species

Name the organism that is the source of all food in an ecosystem-?

An organism that is the source of all food in an ecosystem is called a producer. A consumer gets its energy by feeding on other organisms.

What is everything an organism does and needs in its ecosystem?

An organism interacts with its ecosystem by obtaining food, water, shelter, and reproducing to ensure its survival. It also plays a role in nutrient cycling, energy transfer, and maintaining the balance of the ecosystem through interactions with other species. Ultimately, the goal of an organism in its ecosystem is to thrive and contribute to the overall health and stability of the environment.

Why do some organisms eat other organism in a healthy ecosystem?

that way no one organism dominates an environment and a healthy food tree can develop

What is a comsumer in the ecosytem?

Consumer? A Consumer in the ecosystem is an organism in which feeds upon other animals or plants.

What are the difference types of echological relationship?

An Ecological Relationship is the relationship between organisms in an Ecosystemwith each other, the ecosystem, and the ecosystem itself with other ecosystems. No organism is an autonomous entity isolated from its surroundings. It is part of its environment, rich in living and non-living elements all of which interact with each other in some fashion. An organism's interactions with its environment are fundamental to the survival of that organism and the functioning of the ecosystem as a whole.Types of symbiotic relationships:Mutualism Commensalism Parasitim

How much changes in the plant community affect other properties of the ecosystem?

well,you have to think about how if wolves dont eat a certain organism,that organism can over populate and harm even were organism.

Why is Chek Jawa an ecosystem?

it is an ecosystem because check jawa itself has various habitats with various communities. and different communities make an ecosystem. so schek jawa is an ecosystem where the living organism interact with each other and the environment.

Which level of organization encompasses all of the others?

ecosystem .

What is the process by which species evolve in response to other living members of their ecosystem is called?
