

What type of payments can a judgment be paid with?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What type of payments can a judgment be paid with?
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Can a lien be put on a mobile home that is on rented land when rent has not been paid for years?

Yes. The property can obtain a judgment for delinquent rent payments. The mobile home could be sold if the debtor doesn't pay the judgment.Yes. The property can obtain a judgment for delinquent rent payments. The mobile home could be sold if the debtor doesn't pay the judgment.Yes. The property can obtain a judgment for delinquent rent payments. The mobile home could be sold if the debtor doesn't pay the judgment.Yes. The property can obtain a judgment for delinquent rent payments. The mobile home could be sold if the debtor doesn't pay the judgment.

Can you refinance your home loan even if its got a judgment?

The judgment must be paid from the proceeds of the refinance. That amount will be deducted from the funds paid over to you.The judgment must be paid from the proceeds of the refinance. That amount will be deducted from the funds paid over to you.The judgment must be paid from the proceeds of the refinance. That amount will be deducted from the funds paid over to you.The judgment must be paid from the proceeds of the refinance. That amount will be deducted from the funds paid over to you.

You paid off judgment How many points will your score increase?

It is importance to pay off a debt regardless of the type of debt that you owe, but your credit score will not increase nor decrease when you make a payment. Time and consistent monthly payments to your debts will increase your score.

Can a lien take your child support?

No. A judgment creditor cannot take possession of child support payments to satisfy a lien.No. A judgment creditor cannot take possession of child support payments to satisfy a lien.No. A judgment creditor cannot take possession of child support payments to satisfy a lien.No. A judgment creditor cannot take possession of child support payments to satisfy a lien.

What if the judgment was paid except the court costs?

If the amount of the court costs was added into the total amount of the judgment, then you have not paid off the judgment. You have only paid off the debt that was the basis for the lawsuit. Until the entire amount is paid, the judgment creditor will not give you the necessary release or warrant of satisfaction you need to eliminate the judgment lien.

What happens to judgment when the plaintiff goes out of business?

The judgment is still collectable, it does not simply go away. The creditor may assign the debt to a third party, who has full authority to collect it, however the creditor may notify you, the judgment debtor, ehere and when to send payments. its still a judgment against you, and will remain so until the creditor instructs the Clerk to cancel it, by stating you have paid, or rather "satisfied" the judgment against you.

What is an outstanding judgment?

A judgment is a court order giving a creditor or someone who is owed money (such as money that was borrowed from a friend) the legal right to collect the debt in accordance with the laws of the state. The term "outstanding" indicates the judgment has not been paid or settled, but is still valid. A judgment that has been awarded to the judgment plaintiff but has not been paid by the judgment debtor.A judgment that has been awarded to the judgment plaintiff but has not been paid by the judgment debtor.

How long does judgment show on your credit?

Usually until the judgment is paid.

What will a lender do if someone takes their car overseas and then stops making payments?

The lender will have the right to pursue a civil judgment in court for the outstanding debt. If not paid, wages can be garnished or a warrant for arrest can be issued.

If your vehicle was repossessed and you now have a judgment how do you get the judgment off?

The judgment creditor must be paid in full according to the terms of the judgment order. Most judgments are renewable and can remain on a credit report indefinitely until paid.

If you have paid a judgment how can you have it removed from your public record?

You can't. The fact that you have a judgment will stay with for years

I paid off a judgment but now the collection agency is requesting more money and they will not update my credit report reflecting payments made. Can they do that?

Well, since you have satisfied the debt and have the receipt, their asking is just that. You have no responsibility to respond.