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Q: What type of people do Boxer Mollie and the cat represent animal farm?
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Who does boxer represent in Animal Farm?

(old answer, not my answer)boxer is named after the boxer rebellion in China ! (my answer) boxer represents a type of person during that time. not a particular person in history. he represents a very hardworking person. there were some people like boxer in real like that. boxer represents that type of person

What does Boxer's death represent?

Boxer represented the Russian working class so I'm just assuming it represents the fall of the working people of russia

Who does the birds represent in Animal Farm?

moses (the raven) represents religion. he talks about sugarcandy mountain and how all of the animals will go there when they die. He is later banned from animal farm to symbolize the banning of religion.

Who are the main characters of the book animal farm and what is an adjective to describe them?

The main characters are... - Mr. Jones - Napoleon - leader - Squealer - reporter - Boxer - muscle - Moses - Old Major - Snowball - Mollie - conceited - Mr. Pilkington - Mr. Fredrick

What does the windmill in Animal Farm represent in the Russian Revolution?

The windmill represents industrialization. In Animal Farm, the windmill is their progress, all the work that they had poured into. Boxer is the hardest worker in the project (he represents the peasants of Russia).

In Animal Farm who is the muscle of the corps?

The muscle in Animal Farm is Boxer.

What do Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein do?

Represent california in the house (Senate)

Who was the first woman boxer ever to represent England?

jone bo

What is a boxat?

a boxat is an animal that people dont really look at in the streats.... its a mix breeed from a cat and dog, its small boxer becase the cat was small and the dog is a small boxer, this is what you call a boxat

In Animal Farm what was Boxer's habit when he was thinking?

"I will work harder."

Who played the part boxer in Animal Farm?


Who received the first animal hero first class awards in the book animal farm?

The two animals who received the first Animal Hero, First Class awards in the book Animal Farm were Snowball and Boxer. Snowball received it for his bravery in the Battle of the Cowshed, and Boxer received it for his hard work and dedication.