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Q: What type of people led revolutions?
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Who led the revolutions in Bolivia Columbia and Ecuador against Spain?

Who led the revolutions in Bolivia Columbia and Ecuador against Spain?

The Enlightenment led to which revolutions?

Latin American

Some of the ideas from the enlightenment led to what?

Enlightenment idea led to people thinking of different types of governments and how they should work for the people. Eventually it led to REVOLUTIONS. Revolutions all around the world against monarchs and totalitarian government is the direct cause of Enlightenment ideas.

What philosophical movement led to the revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries?

The philosophical movement that led to the revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries was the Enlightenment. This period emphasized reason, science, individual rights, and the questioning of traditional authority, which ultimately influenced revolutions such as the American Revolution and the French Revolution.

Who led the revolutions in South America during the colonial period?

Simon Bolivar

Why are revolutions called green and white?

Revolutions are called green and white to associate them with the type of commerce they represent. White revolutions are typically dairy related, while green revolutions are agricultural products.

What led to the red scare in the US?

revolutions abroad and labor unrest in the united states

What led the red scare in the US?

revolutions abroad and labor unrest in the united states

What led the red scare to the US?

revolutions abroad and labor unrest in the united states

Who led the fight for independence for Saint Dominique by American and French revolutions?

Toussaint Louverture

What did Marin Luther do?

Martin Luther led one of the greatest revolutions of all time. He spoke up against the Catholic Church and led the movement that led to the Protestant Church.

Whats was a major accomplishedments miguel hidalgo made?

Miguel Hidalgo is best known for initiating the Mexican War of Independence on September 16, 1810, by ringing the bell of his church and calling for an uprising against Spanish colonial rule. His leadership and rallying cry, known as the "Grito de Dolores," inspired thousands to join the fight for Mexican independence. Although Hidalgo's movement was ultimately defeated, he is considered the father of Mexican independence and his actions laid the foundation for the eventual liberation of Mexico from Spanish rule.