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I do. So, one?

I'm just messing with ya. Meth is more prevelant in rural areas - Though I don't know why because now, it's twice as expensive as Coke in those areas. In the Western/Midwestern US, Methamphetamine is the 3rd most used drug. (Behind Alcohol and Marijuana). It's also a Schedule II Controled Substance (which denotes an extremely high rate of abuse.) However, I can't seem to find a good, verifiable, statistic.

One non-profit's website claims upwards of 20% of Americans use meth more than monthly.

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14y ago

Hey, there aren't sterotypes to drug use. Anyone can and could us meth. It ranges any where from high end billion dollar makers to troubled teens as well as homeless peopple on the street

Illegal drug use doesn't discriminate

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15y ago

people that are having alot of problems and feel like they have no where else to go! then again, people who do it because others are...we all know peer presure. anybody can get addicted to herion.

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How do you pass a swab drug test for crystal meth?

Simple, never use or go near crystal meth.

Are the Effects of Crystal Meth Reversible?

Depends on the amount used and frequency of use. It also depends on the effects of meth. If someone smoked meth and did not take care of their oral hygiene, the damage to their teeth is not reversible. Any brain damage that occurred due to excessive meth use is likely to be repaired, but it is not certain whether this would be completely reverisble or not (it would likely depend on the amount + frequency of use). Weight loss and skin problems will likely gradually improve once meth use is ceased. Resultant psychological issues will likely get better the longer that the person is abstinent from meth use.

Is crystal meth predominately a problem in rural America?

No. Japan has problems with meth use as well. Other countries have problems with meth use. Meth use has only became a rural problem rather recently.

Can a 18 year old do crystal meth?

Yes, he can do crystal meth along with a lot of other stupid things. He can also get charged with a crime if he is caught with it. He can get addicted to it and ruin his life as well as the lives of those around him. Google images of crystal meth users sometime. Use Google to find out what addicts think of crystal meth.

Why do they use red phosphorus in crystal meth?

White Phosphorus is deadly. Maybe they should use it!

What for crystallization is use?

Most people use crystal meth because it rapidly makes you lose weight, others use it as a energy booster. But its going to kill you sooner or later

Does crystal meth kill your muscle?

An odd questions since Crystal Meth promotes physical activity yet causes loss of appetite which will malnourish your muscles. Being a doctor i would say that prolonged use of Crystal Meth will cause your strength to deteriorate due to malnourishment and lack of rest.

What do you use to cut crystal meth?

B12 powder or msm are the safest and least detectable

What is the difference between crystal meth and meth?

Pharmacologically, it's a central nervous system stimulant. Legally, it's a schedule I and is illicit/has no accepted medical value. (regular methamphetamine is a sched II and CAN be prescribed under the grand name Desoxyn).

How do you make someone understand that their crystal meth use is killing them?

you show them before and after pictures of them selves

Why do people that cooks crystal meth use sudafedrin is it because its one of the ingredients?

Sudafed contains pseudoephedrine, which is a very popular meth precursor. Basically, if you can't get any amphetamine to make meth from you start with pseudoephedrine.

What does the abbreviation 'PNP' mean in personal ads?

This abbreviation most likely stands for "Party and Play" when used in a personal ads,though it can mean "Plug and Play" when used to talk about technology. The abbreviation PNP when used in personal ads usually refers to the use of Crystal Meth.