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A gold digger is a person who wish, love or want something or someone just for the money. One representative example would be a woman who is going out with a man just because he has money.

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Q: What type of person does a gold digger describe?
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What type of person searches for gold?

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Can a gold-digger type personality be considered abusive or narcissistic?

Not all gold-diggers are abusive or narcissistic. Some women just love money are use sex, their looks or anything else to pad their nests. If you see one stay away! Abuse is not about having a specific charcater or trait - it is a pattern of behaviors. A gold digger does not equal abuse or narcissism. A gold digger simply takes advantage of an opportunity to gain wealth. Sure if he claims to not have money even though he works and does not want to spend a single dime on you, AND if he does he'll get mad and complain about it throw it in your face and make you wish he never bought that egg mcmuffin for you.

Is a flapper and a gold digger the same thing?

A flapper would be more anachronistic in today's society since they were women who partied in the 1920s. A gold digger is a woman who married into money, a-la Anna Nicole Smith, or someone who dates rich men. The two could be the same, but flappers were more the partying type. ____ Flappers could be a gold digger, but a gold digger might not be a flapper. Flapper was a style - after WW1 women who were flappers were regarded as "a new breed of women" bold, adventurous, flirty. They wore short skirts (which scandalised proper society), smoked, drank, danced, listened to jazz, thumbed their noses at what was expected of them. In short they were free spirited, and pushed the boundaries of what society expected of women. Traditionally, women's roles were very strictly defined as being a wife and mother, nothing more. Flappers said no to this and lived life as they saw fit. So no, being a Flapper did not mean you were a gold digger. While some may have been, the great majority of flappers just wanted to have fun.

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What does character type mean?

Character type is not a common phrase. It has been used to describe a person and what they are likely to enjoy.

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Adjectives are words that describe other words. For example, He was a terrible person. Terrible describes person. Terrible is describing what type of person.

How do you identify an individual who is a gold-digger?

Step oneMake sure you know the difference between a true gold digger and someone who is just interested in your financial stability. It is guaranteed that in a committed relationship discussions of finances will arise. You will need to depend on each other during the trials of life and having stable finances does help. If the other person has questions about your finances, this does not mean that they are a gold digger.Do not start off paying bills for the suspected person. If they immediately begin dropping hints that they need money for everyday "needs", then begin questioning their relationship motives. Even if they are not a true gold digger, they still are making poor financial decisions, which could lead to trouble in the future. A gold digger will walk around in expensive shoes, clothes, and jewelry, all the while neglecting the basic necessities. They will spend their last dime on something that they want rather than something that they need.Look for signs of appreciation and generosity. Do they ever show gratitude? Do they offer to pay? Do they thank you when you pay? If they truly can't help with financial assistance, do they offer to help you in other ways? Generosity and gratitude is essential in all relationships.Analyze what type of questions they ask you. If all of the questions are superficial and based on how you are doing financially then there might be a problem. Gold diggers usually try to determine what financial and material resources you are working with on the first date. If you take your time in answering these questions, they will most likely get frustrated and move on.

How do you colplete the gold digger quest in aqworlds?

In the chat bar type /join battleundera and then when your there try going more up and left (<-----) Youll either find a lich or a berserker. Attack it until lich appears. Might take a while though.

What was Hitler's term for the master race describe this type of person?

waxaa weeyaan isaga sentance masoobinayso

What is the difference from a trait and a characteristic?

A trait is a unique quality used to identify a person or animal.A characteristic is a quality used to describe a type of person or thing.

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your moms name comes to mind