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Q: What type of plastic is used for lamp shades?
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Related questions

What type of materials can be used in window shades?

they come in metal, plastic, bamboo and wood.

Do light bulbs fade plastic?

Light bulbs can affect plastic depending on the plastic and what type of bulb (lamp) is being used. Heat and higher frequencies of light are the two characteristics of lamps that can most affect plastic. As there are thousands of plastics and many different lamps (wattage and color temperatures), it is difficult to say if a lamp will affect plastic. To cite a single example, we often see a plastic liner in a lampshade that has changed color because of prolonged exposure to the heat and light of the lamp in the fixture.

What type of battery is used in a lamp?

None a lamp uses a lightbulb

What type of plastic would be used in a plastic fitting?

The type of plastic that would be used in a plastic fitting is a type of thermoplastic called PVC, or polyvinyl chloride. PVC is commonly used in plastic fittings because it's durable, and can't be corroded.

What type of plastic is used to create plastic bags?


What is a lamp shade made of?

Plastic is the main material used in lampshades. Some more expensive lamps do use a cloth like material.

What type of of resource is used to make plastic cup?

Oil is used to produce plastic.

What type of plastic materials is used for manufacture of plastic chair?


Which type of energy is being used in a lamp?

Light and heat energy

What is the plastic type on an Airbus A320?

There are many types of plastic used in the A320.

What type of plastic is used to produce the Fisher Price activity tables?

The type of plastic used to produce the popular children's toy Fisher Price activity tables is called polystyrene plastic which is a rigid, brittle and inexpensive plastic.

What type of plastic money is used?

figuratively, debit and credit cards are plastic money.