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The type of boundary that is formed when two plates slide past each other is called a Strike- Slip boundary. One example of a Strike- slip boundary is California it is located on San Andreas Fault. This caused some of the major earthquake's, which center was located in San Francisco which aused the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that reached a magnitude of 7.9. Strike- Slip boundary's are very common for there earthquakes. When the plates get stuck they start to produce friction that causes the plates to move and also an earthquake to start. Another example of a Strike- Slip boundary is in Haiti. Haiti is split down the middle of there country. When the plats got stuck they started producing friction causing Haiti to have very bad Earthquakes.

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Minerva Orn

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1y ago
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11y ago

The type of boundary that is formed when two plates slide past each other is called a Strike- Slip boundary. One example of a Strike- slip boundary is California it is located on San Andreas Fault. This caused some of the major earthquake's, which center was located in San Francisco which aused the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that reached a magnitude of 7.9. Strike- Slip boundary's are very common for there earthquakes. When the plates get stuck they start to produce friction that causes the plates to move and also an earthquake to start. Another example of a Strike- Slip boundary is in Haiti. Haiti is split down the middle of there country. When the plats got stuck they started producing friction causing Haiti to have very bad Earthquakes.

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12y ago

Transform Boundary

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Q: What type of plate is formed when plates slide past each other?
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At transform boundaries the plates slide past each other.

When plates slide past each other what boundary is formed?

A strike-slip

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A transform boundary is a type of plate boundary where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally. This movement can result in earthquakes and the creation of features like strike-slip faults. An example of a transform boundary is the San Andreas Fault in California.

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