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Typically rain, an average of under 2.5 inches annually, mostly in late January and early February. An accumulation of snow has occurred only once in recorded observations, in January 1922.

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Q: What type of precipitation falls in Death Valley?
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What is the precipitation intensity and type?

Precipitation intensity refers to the rate at which precipitation falls, often measured in inches per hour or millimeters per hour. Precipitation type refers to the form in which the precipitation falls, such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

Which type of precipitation is water that falls from clouds in a liquid state?

It is rain.

What type of region is Death Valley?

It is a valley. ( this is a guess. )

Are rain sleet snow and hail forms of precipatation?

Yes, it falls as a frozen form of water, then it's precipitation.

What type of precipitation that falls from clouds in a liquid state?

Rain is the type of precipitation that falls from clouds in a liquid state. It occurs when water droplets in the clouds grow too heavy to remain suspended in the air and fall to the ground.

How does precipitation occur and what determines the type of perception that falls to earth?

Precipitation occurs when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid or solid forms and falls to the Earth's surface. The type of precipitation that falls (rain, snow, sleet, or hail) is determined by the temperature of the atmosphere at different altitudes. Warmer temperatures typically result in rain, while colder temperatures lead to snow or other frozen forms of precipitation.

When precipitation falls to earth the water runs into the rivers so the rivers can return it to what?

when precipitation falls it goes into any type of body of water and then the water cycle starts over again and the water evaporates into water vapor. when precipitation falls it goes into any type of body of water and then the water cycle starts over again and the water evaporates into water vapor. when precipitation falls it goes into any type of body of water and then the water cycle starts over again and the water evaporates into water vapor.

How does precipitation occur and qhat determines the type of precipitation that falls to earth?

Precipitation occurs when water droplets or ice crystals in the atmosphere become too heavy to remain suspended and fall to the ground. The type of precipitation that falls (rain, snow, sleet, or hail) is determined by the temperature conditions in the lower atmosphere - with colder temperatures resulting in frozen precipitation (snow, sleet, or hail) and warmer temperatures resulting in liquid precipitation (rain).

Describe how does precipitation occur and what determines the type of precipitation that falls to Earth?

Precipitation occurs when water droplets or ice crystals in clouds grow large enough to fall to the ground. The type of precipitation that falls, such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail, is determined by the temperature profile in the atmosphere. Warmer temperatures will result in rain, while colder temperatures will lead to snow, sleet, or hail.

Are tornadoes some type of precipitation?

No. Tornadoes are a type of violent, rotating wind storm that forms during a thunderstorm. Precipitation occurs when moisture either in solid or liquid form falls from the sky.

What types of precipitation occur on Uranus?

The most common type of precipitation on Uranus is ammonia rain. The ammonia freezes, forms ice crystals, and falls from the sky.

How does precipitation occur and what determines the type of precipitation that falls to earth?

Precipitation occurs when cloud droplets combine and grow large enough to fall to the earth the rate of evaporation as a drop falls to the earth also can affect its size.from: sadia aisa