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"I" is the answer; it is the only pronoun always capitalized. It is the first person singular nominative personal pronoun in English.

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Q: What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters?
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What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters WHO can find an example of a famous quotation in our textbook?

The pronoun 'who' is an INTERROGATIVE pronoun; a word that introduces a question. The pronoun 'who' takes the place of the noun that is the answer to the question.

What did she do to protect HERSELF. What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters?

The pronoun 'herself' is a reflexive pronoun, a word that 'reflects back' to its antecedent.The reflexive pronouns are: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters in this sentence Few of these dresses are mine MOST of them are hers?

The pronoun 'most' is an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed number or amount.The word 'few' is also an indefinite pronoun.Note: The words 'most' and 'few' are adjectives when placed before a noun to describe that noun; for example, 'A few dresses are mine." and "The most dresses are hers."

What type of noun appears in all capital letters in this sentenceThe TEAM was pumped for the big game?

Team is a collective noun.

What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters in this sentence For WHOM did he say the package was left?

In the example sentence, the pronoun 'whom' is an interrogative pronoun, a pronoun that introduces a question.The interrogative pronouns are: who, whom, what, which, whose.The pronoun 'whom' is the only objective interrogative pronoun; in the example sentence, 'whom' is the object of the preposition 'for'.Note: The pronoun 'whom' also functions as a relative pronoun, a pronoun that introduces a relative clause which 'relates' to the noun antecedent.The relative pronouns are: who, whom, whose, which, that.Example: The person for whom the package came no longer lives here. (The relative clause 'relates' to the antecedent 'person'.)

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What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters WHO can find an example of a famous quotation in our textbook?

The pronoun 'who' is an INTERROGATIVE pronoun; a word that introduces a question. The pronoun 'who' takes the place of the noun that is the answer to the question.

What did she do to protect HERSELF. What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters?

The pronoun 'herself' is a reflexive pronoun, a word that 'reflects back' to its antecedent.The reflexive pronouns are: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters This is Max WHO is from Switzerland.?

In this sentence, the pronoun WHO is a relative pronoun, a word that introduces a relative clause (who is from Switzerland).A relative clause is a group of words that gives information about its antecedent (Max).The pronoun WHO also functions as an interrogative pronoun, a word that introduces a question (Who is Max?).

What type of pronoun appears are all capital letters Which of THESE scarves is the one Mom said she wanted?

The word 'these' is not functioning as a pronoun. In this sentence the word 'these' is functioning as an adjectivedescribing the noun 'scarves'.The word 'these' is a demonstrative pronoun when it takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Example: Which of these is the one Mom said she wanted?

What type of pronoun appears in all capital lettersMANY of the people who saw the accident gave different accounts of it?


What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters in this sentence Few of these dresses are mine MOST of them are hers?

The pronoun 'most' is an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed number or amount.The word 'few' is also an indefinite pronoun.Note: The words 'most' and 'few' are adjectives when placed before a noun to describe that noun; for example, 'A few dresses are mine." and "The most dresses are hers."

What type of noun appears in all capital letters in this sentenceThe TEAM was pumped for the big game?

Team is a collective noun.

What is the answer to this nospam question Please type in the capital letters with this phrase - GaMe RenDerS?

type in the capital letters: gmrds

What type of pronoun appears in all capital letters in this sentence For WHOM did he say the package was left?

In the example sentence, the pronoun 'whom' is an interrogative pronoun, a pronoun that introduces a question.The interrogative pronouns are: who, whom, what, which, whose.The pronoun 'whom' is the only objective interrogative pronoun; in the example sentence, 'whom' is the object of the preposition 'for'.Note: The pronoun 'whom' also functions as a relative pronoun, a pronoun that introduces a relative clause which 'relates' to the noun antecedent.The relative pronouns are: who, whom, whose, which, that.Example: The person for whom the package came no longer lives here. (The relative clause 'relates' to the antecedent 'person'.)

What if you type in hobbididance on moshi and it does not work?

you have to type it in capital letters

What type of noun appears in all capital letters in this sentence max has applied to the US Air Force academy that is just north of Colorado Springs?

Proper Noun

What type of noun appears in all capital letters in this sentence Max has applied to the US Air Force Academy that is just north of COLORADO SPRINGS.?

Proper Noun