

What type of radiation is uncharged?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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13y ago

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No, beta radiation is not uncharged. Beta radiation is the result of beta decay, and there are two kinds of beta decay. In one type, beta minus decay, an electron is ejected from an atomic nucleus. The electron is negatively charged. In the other type, beta plus decay, an positron, which is an anti-electron (antimatter), is ejected from the nucleus. The positron is positively charged. Beta radiation is either negatively charged electrons or positively charged positrons (anti-electrons). Use the link below to the related question here at WikiAnswers. It is "What is beta decay?" and it is already answered.

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13y ago

Gamma radiation is uncharged. I don't know why its just what my teacher said! :D

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Neutrons are uncharged particles.

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Is gamma radiation made from uncharged particles?

No, gamma radiation is made of photons, which are non-charged particles with no mass. They have high energy and are produced from the decay of unstable atomic nuclei or during nuclear reactions.

Which kind of radiation is not defected by a magnetic field?

Gamma radiation is not affected by a magnetic field because it is composed of photons, which are uncharged particles. The magnetic field influences charged particles, such as electrons or protons, by causing them to curve, but it has no effect on photons.

What is rearrangement of electrons on an uncharged object without direct contact with a charged object?

The rearrangement of electrons on an uncharged object without direct contact with a charged object is known as electrostatic induction. This occurs when a charged object is brought near the uncharged object, causing the electrons in the uncharged object to redistribute and create regions of positive and negative charge without physical contact.

What type of radiation is emitted by your skin?

Infrared radiation is emitted by the human skin. This type of radiation is invisible to the human eye but can be felt as heat.

How is gamma radiation affected by electrical and magnetic fields?

Gamma radiation is not affected by electrical or magnetic fields because it is uncharged and does not interact with them. This allows gamma radiation to easily penetrate matter, making it difficult to shield against. However, high-energy gamma rays can be transformed into particles when passing through a strong electromagnetic field.

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Alpha beta gamma which is uncharged?

gama radiation is uncharged. Alpha is positive and beta is negative.

Which kind of radiation is not defected by a magnetic field?

Gamma radiation is not affected by a magnetic field because it is composed of photons, which are uncharged particles. The magnetic field influences charged particles, such as electrons or protons, by causing them to curve, but it has no effect on photons.

What type of particle is unaffected by an electric field?

Neutral particles, such as neutrons, are unaffected by electric fields because they have no electric charge. This means they do not interact with the electric field and therefore do not experience any forces due to it.

What is rearrangement of electrons on an uncharged object without direct contact with a charged object?

The rearrangement of electrons on an uncharged object without direct contact with a charged object is known as electrostatic induction. This occurs when a charged object is brought near the uncharged object, causing the electrons in the uncharged object to redistribute and create regions of positive and negative charge without physical contact.

Is alpha radiation uncharged?

No, alpha particles are not uncharged. An alpha particle is actually a helium-4 nucleus, and that means it's composed of 2 protons and 2 neutrons. It will have an overall charge of +2, and we often write the alpha particle as He++ or He2+. The related question on what an alpha particle is can be found below. Check it out.

What type of radiation does radioactivity produces?

The Type Of Radiation That It Produce Is The Gamma Ray!

Why does a charged body attract an uncharged body?

The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.

Is beta radiation a type of nuclear radiation?


What type of radiation is the most harmful?

Gamma radiation.

What type of radiation is the least ionizing?

Alpha radiation.

What type of radiation is composed of electrons?

Beta radiation

What type of radiation is in smoke alarm?

alpha radiation