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Q: What type of reaction is respiration by the digestion of food in our body?
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What is the name of the chemical reaction that is also called digestion?

Decomposition RXN, In decompositon RXN the compound present in the food that we eat are being simplified by our body for the elements to be properly distributed to the diffirent parts of the body for example, H2O (Water), When we drink water our body simplifies the compound through digestion, It seperates H (Hydrogen) which is used to clean our body and O (Oxygen) which is our means of life.

Which type of reaction is represented the digestion of food in your body?

hydrolysis reactions

Is digestion an exothermic reaction?

The food we eat contain starch,on digestion in mouth it is coverted into body it gives co2,o2 with required energy.Hence digestion is an exothermic reaction.

How is digestion and respiration alike?

Digestion and Respiration are alike in term of the fact that in both of them oxidation of food take place.

What is the process by which food is broken down and energy is released?

Cellular respiration.

Explain the decomposition reaction taking place in your body releases energy?

The body releases energy by respiring (respiration) Respiration is the chemical reaction of which your body makes energy from the food in our cells in our body There are two types of respiration; Aerobic Respiration - This type releases energy from food The equation for this is - Glucose + Oxygen -----> Carbon Dioxide + Water + ENERGY Anaerobic respiration - also releases energy from food, But this produces Lactic acid and energy instead The equation for this is - Glucose --------> Lactic Acid + Energy

Why must food be digested?

Digestion is necessary because for energy from the food to be released and carried into the cells in our body the food must be broken down into soluble molecules for it to diffuse into the cells. Then energy is released during respiration.

What is the different between digestion and respiration?

Digestion is the breakdown of absorbed substances, Respiration, on the other hand, is the breakdown of food molecules with a release of energy.

What processes in organisms releases energy from food?

Respiration and digestion!

Is Digestion of food -endothermic or exothermic reaction?

digestion of food release energy, so it's exothermic reaction

How do you classify a digestion reaction?

Digestion is a chemical reaction that takes place in the body, starting from the mouth and ending in the small intestine. It is a long process taking place in a 9m long alimentary canal. Ingestion in the mouth is when the food is taken in, digestion when the food is broken down into simpler molecules, absorption when the digested food is absorbed by the blood, assimilation when the digested food is utilised by the the body and finally, egestion where the unwanted food is excreted out from the body, through the anus. With these processes, there are many other organs in the body which help digestion to take place, some being the liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine.

Why is respiration considered an exothermic reactionsExplain?

Energy is required to support life. Energy in our body is obtained from the food we eat. During digestion, large molecules of food are broken down into simpler substances such as glucose. Glucose combines with oxygen in the cells and provides energy. The special name of this combustion reaction is respiration. Since energy is released in the whole process, it is an exothermic process.