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Olfactory receptors detect smells, and gustatory receptors detect tastes.

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Q: What type of receptors are olfactory and gustatory?
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What function of the gustatory receptors are parallel to what other receptors?

Olfactory receptors

What is the relationship between olfactory and gustatory receptors?

Gustatory receptors are part of the sense of taste. They are in your mouth. Olfactory receptors are part of the sense of smell. They are in your nose.

What is the gustatory sense?

Gustatory receptors are also present in the mouths of animals. These are novel proteins which are able to recognize a variety of chemicals.

What is the function of receptors in human body?

The function of receptors is to check about the taste,smell,etc. In our human body there are two types of receptors and they are gustatory receptors and olfactory receptors where as gustatory receptors will detect taste and olfactory receptors will detect smell.

What type of receptors are olfactory receptors?


What is the nature of the stimuli detected by the gustatory and olfactory?

The gustatory detects taste, and the olfactory detects smell.

What are the sensory receptors of the eyes ears nose skin and tongue?

The receptors of the eye are photo receptors, the ear has auditory receptors, the nose has olfactory (smell) receptors, the skin has tactile (touch)and thermo- (temperature) receptors and the tongue has gustatory (taste) receptors.

The olfactory receptors are examples of what type of ceptors?

chemoreceptors. o2bcd8d

Gustatory hairs are to taste as olfactory hairs are to?


Where are olfactory receptors located?

In vertebrates the olfactory receptors are located in the cilia of the olfactory sensory neurons. In insects olfactory receptors are located on the antennae and other chemo sensory organs.

What is the receptor of the human nose?

The sensory receptors for your nose is the semicircular canals and the cochlea

What are the gustatory receptors sensitive to?

Gustatory receptors are found on the tongue and pharynx and are taste receptors. They sense particles of foodstuffs dissolved in saliva and provide us with the sense of taste.