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Q: What type of relationship positive or negative would you expect between the price of music videos and the sales of music videos?
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What force would you expect between sodium ions and chloride ions in a crystal of sodium chloride?

(+)--(-) positive and negative

When a large number of cases are examined and a positive relationship is found what else should one expect to find?

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When do we use positive tag question and negative tag questiion?

You are trying hard, aren't you?When the statement is positive (you are trying hard) the tag is negative (aren't you).She didn't go with you, did she?When the statement is negative (she didn't go with you) the tag is positive (did she).Tag questions invite the listener to respond to the statement with a yes or no answer. Negative tags expect a yes answer and positive tags expect a no answerWe use tag questions to verify or check information that we think is true, or to check information that we aren't sure about.Sometimes we just use them when we are trying to be sarcastic, or to make a strong point.

The more you expect our government to do for us the higher our taxes will be?

*Typically that is the relationship between service and cost.

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Salts are ionic compounds, in which a positive ion forms an ionic bond with a negative ion.

What are the rules in making tag question?

Negative tags expect a yes answer.I have met you before, haven't I? (expects a yes answer)Positive tags expect a no answer.I haven't met you before, have I? (expects a no answer)More examples:The application was refused, wasn't it? Yes, I'm sorry it was.The guests won't be arriving today, will they? No, they are arriving tomorrow.It's a beautiful garden, isn't it? Yes, we have worked hard.You are not working very hard, are you? No, I'm not feeling well today.

What relationship would you expect to find between the air temperature and dewpoint temperature at ground level is the area is covered by fog?

The relationship that you expect to find between the air temperature and dew point temperature at ground level if the area is covered by fog is the temperatures of th air and the dew point would be very close in value.

What is the most likely reason Churchill regularly brings up negative details about the war such as the German victory in the Battle of France?

He wants Britain to have realistic expectations about the future.

What relationship would you expect to find between the air temperature and dew point temperature at ground level if an area is covered in fog?

The relationship that you expect to find between the air temperature and dew point temperature at ground level if the area is covered by fog is the temperatures of th air and the dew point would be very close in value.

Why is the product of two negative integers always positive?

This is not just integers, but negative numbers in general.Look at this sequence:3 x (-10) = -30 2 x (-10) = -20 1 x (-10) = -10 0 x (-10) = 0 (-1) x (-10) = ??? On the left, the numbers go down one at a time. On the right, they go up ten at a time. You would expect this sequence to continue. So, the question marks would logically be replaced by +10, in this case. Defining the product of two negative numbers as positive will also make certain laws of operations with numbers more consistent. If you define multiplication this way, you won't have to define lots of exceptions.

16mm film is equivelant to how many mega pixels?

There is no direct relationship between film and megapixel count. One is analog (film) the other digital. In terms of printing, the best you could expect out of a 16mm negative would be a decent 3 X 4" print, at the very most, and that would be out of a well-exposed, sharp negative. Even small digital files will print better.

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