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Fossils are preserved only in sediments, that is rocks formed either by the break up and transportation of existing rock by water as mud or silt, more rarely sandstone or even coarser fragments or by the precipitation of minerals, mainly calcium carbonate that forms limestone or a relative. The organisms preserved are usually resistant to erosion and disintegration like seashells and sometimes bone.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Sedimentary rocks (and sometimes in extrusive volcanic rocks - e.g. the human trace fossils at Pompeii) and most commonly in limestone's.

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12y ago

there are diferent type of rocks one of them is takla kang corned beef bobo kaku mu kutang ekya naman blu

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Q: What type of rock are fossils usually preserved in?
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Why what type of rocks usually fossils?

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What rock type in which you might find fossils?

sedimentary rocks are what fossils are found in

What type of rock do you fine fossils?

fossils are fine in metamorphic rock

What type of rock is unlikely to have a fossil in it?

Igneous rock does not normally preserve fossils. But hot rock or ash will occasionally preserve the shape as a molded impression.The rock you most likely will find a rock in is a sedimentary rock because the pattern of the organisms in the sediment is preserved.

Where are fossils mostly preserved?

Most fossils are found in sedimentary rock, which is the most common type of rock on Earth. Sedimentary rocks form when particles of sediment are deposited by water or wind, and then hardened over time.

What type of rock can form fossils?

a lot of rocks can sometimes can become a fossils. igneous rock

Type of rock in which most fossils are found?

Sedimentary rock is where we look for fossils.

Which type of rock igneous or metamorphic contains fossils?

Though somewhat rare, either rock type could contain fossils.

What type of fossils did the Leakeys find?

a rock type

What type of rock do geologists and archaelogist study because they contain fossils?

Most fossils are preserved in sedimentary rocks such as mud-stones and shales. Fossils can also be found in metamorphic rocks and in some cases igneous rocks like tuffs can preserve organisms (like Pompeii).

Does lamprophyre form fossils?

A lamprophyre is a type of ultramafic intrusive igneous rock. It is very rare for fossils to be formed in igneous rocks (and they usually only form as mold fossils in extrusive deposits). As such fossils will not form in lamprophyres.