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Limestone and Quartz are the most prolific. However Granite, marble, and many gemstones have been believed to as well.

No one is sure why Limestone does, but it seems that many of the most haunted places world wide were above large deposits of limestone.

Quartz has a strange property when dealing with vibrations and energy, which is why they are used in digital watches, and thus are perfectly attuned to the possibility to interact somehow with paranormal energies.

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Q: What type of rock is associated with paranormal activity?
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According to TraditionBelief, a ghost is the Soulor Spiritof a Deathperson, taken to be capable of appearing in visible form or otherwise manifesting itself to the living. It is recommended that you refer to it as paranormal, for it is a form of paranormal activity. The word paranormal also means not normal,so it is not always referring to a type of ghost.

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Limestone is usually associated with karst topography.

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