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Q: What type of rock will have discreet sections of minerals in coarse grains?
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Where do rocks with coarse texture form?

they are made of either small crystals or grains or either crystalline minerals

What is coarse grain in metals?

Fine grains are harder than coarse grains

They are also known as coarse grains they can be grown on less fertile and sandy soil?

Millets are known as coarse grains that can be grown on less fertile and sandy soil.

What does coarse grained mean?

Jowar, Bajra, Ragi like millets is known as coarse grains.

What does coarse-grained mean?

Jowar, Bajra, Ragi like millets is known as coarse grains.

What is coarse grain?

rocks with grains that can be identified with naked eye

What type of grains does metamorphic rock have?

Metamorphic rock may have coarse, flattened, or aligned mineral grains.

What is the texture of a rock with large and easy to see grains?

When all grains in a rock are large and easy to see, the rock is described as coarse-grained.

What the grains found in igneous rock?

Grains found in igneous rock are minerals that solidified from a molten state. They can be coarse or fine, depending on the cooling rate of the magma. Common minerals found as grains in igneous rock include quartz, feldspar, mica, and olivine. The size, shape, and arrangement of these grains can provide clues about the cooling history and composition of the rock.

What is coarse grained rock?

rocks with grains that can be identified with naked eye

What is poikilitic texture?

Poikilitic texture refers to crystals, typically phenocrysts, in an igneous rock which contain small grains of other minerals. The texture is most easily observed in petrographic thin sections.

Are grains in coarse grained rock are microscopic?

No. They are large and visible to the unaided eye.