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weeds have long, deep roots that are hard to pull out

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Q: What type of roots do weeds have?
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How do weeds compete for resources?

How do weeds compete for resources?if weeds steal resources from a farmer's crop, do they steal ?the roots of weeds absorb nutrients from the soil,meaning fewer nutrients are available to the crop plants.the roots of weeds absorb water from the soil, so less is available to the crop plants.the leaves of weeds absorb carbon dioxide from the air,so less is available to the crop plants.the leaves of tall weeds can also absorb light before it reaches the crop.

How do you manage garden weeds?

In order to manage garden weeds, one will first want to pull all weeds in sight, including their roots. Next, it is recommended to use mulch when possible to avoid the possiblity of the weeds returning.

What positive affects do weeds have on crop yields?

If you have too many weeds, they kill the corn. but dont worry about alalfa or hay. they have strong enough roots to handle lots of weeds.

Why weeds are persistent?

Weeds are persistent because sometimes when you pluck up a weed you don't get the whole plant. Weeds are so hardy that if some of the roots are still there it can grow back. Some weeds also have seeds that can fly large distances on the wind.

What type of ecosystem relationship is this weeds choke out the young corn plants in your garden?

type of relationship corn plant and weeds

Why do weeds have to be in ponds?

The need for wet roots is the reason for why weeds have to be in ponds. The roots of many plants contrastingly resist long-term or year-round flooding or water-logging. The herbaceous and woody plants -- such as weeds and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) -- that do tolerate such conditions tend to be good candidates for environments not only of maximum but also of minimal wetness.

How do weeds pervent wind and rain from eroding topsoil?

the roots keep the soil from moving around and keeps them "anchored down".

How do you spell tumbelle weeds?

The correct spelling is 'tumbleweeds' (a plant that break away from its roots and is blown by the wind).

How do you get garden weeds?

it depends on what type of plant

What are the Adaptations of weeds in the tropics?

Deep tap roots to compete with the other plants for nutrients is one of the adaptation of the weeds in the tropics. The other adaptation is its creeping characteristic which makes it cover large ground.

What is the best way to kill weeds grass and all in a 1 acre area?

The safest way is to boil water and pour it over the weeds and grass. It would be safe for all. Poison has side effects and some weeds have long tap roots that defeat poisons.

What type of roots does wheat plant have?

What type of roots does a wheat plant have