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Well you can use any kind of saddle or even go bareback because they are so smooth. Austrailian and western saddles are popular but English works fine. Just remember it is not safe to jump a paso fino because if they land wrong they could break their leg(s) . Thank you for this great question!

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Q: What type of saddles can you use on a paso fino?
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Howrse: English

Is The only type of saddles Australian riders use Australian saddles?

No. The saddle is matched to the work the horse has to do.

The only type of saddles Australian riders use are Australian saddles?

HOWRSE: False Good luck on your test for level 8!

Does the brand of saddle affect the smoothness of a horseback ride?

The type of saddle you use will not create any notable difference in the smoothness of your ride. However different saddles can give you a more secure seat. Western saddles give you better support than english saddles. However if you have a horse with bumpy gaits no saddle can fix that. its the way your horse was made. If you are looking for a smooth horse breed i recomened Paso finos. i have ridden several different gaited horse breeds, and none even come close to the smoothness of the Paso. Hope this Helps!

Did the Indians use saddles?

I belive they did not use saddles

Who uses saddles?

Horses use saddles

The only kind of saddle Australians use are Australian saddles?

false, australians use jumping saddles, dressage saddles, and western saddles. although if this is a trick question, i guess all those saddles would be in the country of australia, therefore australian, unless of course you count where they are made.

Do Australian riders only use Australian saddles?

No. I live on a cattle farm, and we use Australian saddles for roundups on the stock horses etc... but we use english, dressage, jumping and all purpose saddles in other things.

Are there multipurpose saddles?

There actually are. Depending on what discipline you use, or what kind of competition you are in, specialized saddles and multipurpose saddles are used all the time, in both English and Western disciplines

Did the Sioux use saddles?

most Indians rode bareback

Are only type of saddles Australian riders use are Australian saddles?

for howrse: false No. Many Australians enjoy many different riding disciplines including reining (a western style saddle), dressage, jumping, etc and each discipline has a suitable saddle to go along with it. That being said, many people around the world besides Australians enjoy riding in Australian saddles.

Are stock saddles good for horses that buck?

This would depend on what you mean. If you mean bucking horses like those found in rodeos, then they use a specialized bucking saddle nowadays. However if you mean for a privately owned horse that bucks, then the type of saddle has absolutely no bearing on it. Stock saddles also called western saddles tend to be harder to fit and heavier, which will cause back problems at some point in all horses that use them. English saddles are lighter, easier to fit and cause far fewer problems over the long term. The type of saddle used should in no way be an attempt at stopping the horse from bucking. Proper training is what is needed.