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Q: What type of science investigates earth and space?
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What is the type of science that studies earth and space?

It is Earth Science!! (:

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How is a tornado related to earth science?

A tornado is a type of weather. Meteorology, or weather science is one of the branches of earth science.

What type of scientist studies Earth Science?


What type of science is most relevant in the study of space?

Astronomy and cosmology

What is the name of the science that studies space?

Space research is any type of research that is done in space or relating to space. Some examples are experiments on how people age in space, if people get taller in zero gravity, and how weightlessness affects bone density. These answers can have implications for people on earth, even though first done in space.

Type of science that studies the earth?

Geology, geography, seismology

What do you type in to find Earth in the sky on Google earth?

zoom out and you can find earth in outer space

Water causes what type of weathering?

Water causes mechanical and chemical weathering.

Is astronomy a earth space science or a physical science?

Some call chemistry the "central science" because it ties so many other branches of science together. It is closest to a physical science, although certain disciplines within chemistry can apply more to life science or earth science.

What type of science is greenhouse gases?

Study of greenhouses gases would fall into the meteorology branch of earth science.