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Q: What type of sedimentary rock made up many caves in the eastern US?
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Many caves in the eastern US were formed with what kind of sedimentary rock that contained remains of ancient marine life?

I believe it is Bioclastic sedimentary rock--coquina although it was formed by shells of marine organisms.

What kind of rock is located near caves?

It depends on the cave. Since many caves are limestone (water carves it nicely), you usually find limestone. But granite is common in New Hampshire & Vermont.

Why are most caves made from limestone?

Most caves are made from limestone because limestone is a sedimentary rock that is easily dissolved by water. Over time, acidic groundwater seeps into the cracks and crevices, dissolving and eroding the limestone to form cave systems. The process is known as karstification and is responsible for the creation of many limestone caves.

What kind of rocks are in underwater caves Metamorphic Igneous or Sedimentary?

Not sure quite what you are asking about, but anyway it is more accurate to ask what kinds of rock hold the caves, not what rocks are in the caves. Most caves are in limestone, a sedimentary rock, irrespective of water-level. There are a few caves in igneous rock: lava-tubes in basalt-flows, but on land, not underwater. There are also a good many caves in marble, the metamorphic but still-soluble form of limestone; and again the water-level is secondary to the cave itself. A few caves exist in rock-salt, an evaporite.

Why don't caves have many windows?

Caves are usually natural formations (although some are man made) which bury deep into rock. Windows are man-made objects.

What are the Ural mountains made of?

Mountains are made of many different rocks. Such as sedimentary, ingenious and metamorphosis rocks.

How many caves are there in the ajanta caves?

The Ajanta Caves contain 29 caves in total.

Where are Ireland's caves?

There are caves in many parts of Ireland. For example there are the Ailwee Caves in county Clare and the Dunmore caves in county Kilkenny. Thee are mountains all around Ireland and many caves can be found in them.

How many caves are in Georgia?


What is the white scar caves made of?

The White Scar Caves are made from different rocks, mainly limestone rocks. There are also many different formations in the rock such as the Judges Head, The Devils Tongue and the Arum Lily!

Is sedimentary rock very hard?

yes. a sedimentary rock is usually pretty hard because it is made up of many layers that have been pressed on to it by the passage of time.

Why did people live in caves?

People lived in caves in the past for various reasons. Caves provided natural shelter from the elements, protection from predators, and were readily available in many environments. They also offered privacy and security for early human populations. Additionally, caves had a relatively constant temperature, which made them suitable for human habitation.