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simple sentence with the main idea.

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Q: What type of sentence links the central idea of one paragraph to the central idea of the next paragraph?
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A topic sentence provides what to a paragraph?

A topic sentence provides the main idea or the central point of a paragraph. It sets the tone for the rest of the paragraph and gives readers a clear idea of what to expect.

What is the most important part of a paragraph?

The most important part of a paragraph is its main sentence(s) that has the topic of that paragraph's central idea.

Which of the elements of revision would you focus on when you want to make sure that each paragraph relates to the central idea of your piece?

When ensuring that each paragraph relates to the central idea of your piece, focus on coherence and unity. Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence that directly relates to the central idea. Also, check that all supporting details and examples within the paragraph reinforce and contribute to the central theme.

What you would try to identify when you're looking for the main idea in a single paragraph?

When looking for the main idea in a single paragraph, I would focus on identifying the central topic or theme that the paragraph is discussing. This can usually be found in the topic sentence or repeated throughout the paragraph. It is important to distinguish the main idea from supporting details or examples.

How is a topic sentence on a paragraph like a thesis in an essay?

A topic sentence in a paragraph is similar to a thesis in an essay because it communicates the main point or central idea of the paragraph. Just as a thesis statement guides the overall direction of an essay, a topic sentence sets the tone and provides focus for the individual paragraph.

What is the main idea of the paragraph?

The topic sentence always expresses the main idea of a paragraph (1st 2nd 3rd etc).Usually the topic sentence is the first sentence of the paragraph. Sometimes the topic sentence is the second sentence ( the first sentence links to the previous paragraph ). Possibly the topic sentence is the last sentence of a paragraph.But usually the first is the topic sentence and the other sentences in the paragraph explain or give examples of the topic sentence.

Why is the careful observation of the key sentence important in identifying the main idea of a paragraph?

The key sentence often contains the main idea or central message of the paragraph. By carefully observing this sentence, you can quickly grasp the overall focus and purpose of the paragraph without getting lost in the details. This helps you to efficiently understand the main point being communicated by the author.

What happens if your paragraph does not have a topic sentence?

if a paragraph does not have a topic sentence then

What part of the sentence in the paragraph contains it main idea?

If you mean what sentence in the paragraph contains the main idea then it would be the topic sentence and the rephrased version of the conclusion.

What summarizes the main idea of a paragraph and supports the thesis?

The topic sentence summarizes the main idea of a paragraph and supports the thesis.

What is a webbed paragraph?

In web writing, each sentence supports the main idea or theme, but each sentence links to the one that preceded it. In this style of writing, the order of sentences is important otherwise the paragraph or entire work will not make sense.

Where in a paragraph can we find the main idea?

Topic sentence