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that's a very very x9very rare related spider to the tarantula

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Q: What type of spider is a spider with red to orange legs with a grey abdomen found in south Victoria in Australia?
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The cross spider has white crosses on his abdomen. Another North American spider with white on his belly is a parson spider who has a white stripe down his abdomen.

What spider in South Carolina has green legs black and white striped back with orange abdomen?

Could be the Green Lynx Spider

What Spider has red or orange legs?

If you in Northern Wisconsin it could be a typical Orange Garden spider. Orange legs with orange - white - brown - white - black tips. Orange head and thorax with a colorful Orange black, white and yellow in a pattern like a wasp on the abdomen.

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What kind of spider is black with two orange dots on the abdomen with only one spot?

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Do redback spiders live in Australia?

The Red-back spider (Latrodectus hasselti) is commonly found in Australia. They are a small black venomous spider with long thin legs, and the females have a red stripe on their globular abdomen.

What kind of spider has a fat orange body?

It is called the black widow spider (Referred to as the black widow), it is a spider with a strong neurotoxin. With respect to the body size, they have longer legs and smaller abdomen. They are usually dark brown, has yellow stripes, and a yellow hourglass spot.

What kind of spider is black with red on it's back?

A black widow spider is black with a red mark on it's abdomen; this might or might not be what you meant. The black widow sometimes has a red mark on her back, as well. The red backed spider of Australia, a relative of the black widow, has an orange red mark on the back.

Can a male spider have a huge abdomen?

It depends on what species you desire, and what you consider huge. In my opinion the male Hobo Spider has a pretty large abdomen. However when comparing most male spider's abdomen to the female abdomen, the answer might as well be no.

What kind of Maryland spider has a large orange abdomen with greenish veins and translucent body?

Depending on its size, the spider with tan and brown striped legs and a large white abdomen might be an orb weaver, a common house spider, or even an orchard spider. There are a huge variety of spiders with this description.

What kind of spider has a large brown abdomen 2cm long with long black shiny legs?

If you are in Australia it sounds like a Mouse spider. I'm in North America and found a similar spider in my basement this morning, but can't seem to find out what it is.