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Any protein based stain will be disolved by papain enzymes. Answer this question...

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Q: What type of stain can papain remove from clothing?
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Removing oil stains from clothing?

In order to remove an oil stain from clothing you pretreat the stain and then you wash the garment in hot water. Pretreatment involves blotting up as much of the stain as you can with a clean paper towel, and then following the directions on a commercial pretreatment. You can find pretreatments wherever you buy detergent, and the labels will let you know if they work best on a particular type of stain.

How do you remove tea stains from clothing?

Tea is a type of stain known as a tannin. They are some of the easiest stains to clean. Just throw the stained clothing into a washer with some detergent, and wash it with hot water.

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Ink stain removal depends largely on the type of surface it is on. If there is ink stain on clothing, it is best to dilute it out with rubbing alcohol while the stain is fresh. For deeper stains, a stronger product such as oxiclean will need to be used.

How do you remove chap stick stains from laundry?

You can try:1. Scrape off excess Chapstick lip balm from your clothing. Use the edge of a spoon to remove the waxy substance.2. Dampen the fabric around the Chapstick stain. Pour prewash stain remover onto the remaining lip balm residue. Rub the stain remover into the stain and allow it to sit for 10 minutes.3. Rinse off the Chapstick stained clothing with warm water. If any grease or color stain remains, blot it with a clean cloth dampened with dry cleaning solvent. Work from the exterior of the stain in toward the middle to lift dye and grease.4. A hot or warm water wash helps remove grease stains.Wash your clothing with the hottest water allowed for the type of fabric. Use laundry detergent and all-fabric bleach to remove any last traces of Chapstick stain. Check to make sure the stain is completely gone before placing your clothing in the dryer.

What stain remover works best on clothing?

There are many stain removers available to use on clothes. The type of stain remover to use may depend on the type of stain and the type of clothing. Some stain removers are used to pretreat laundry while others are used to remove stains without water or a washing machine. Stains on dry clean fabric will need to be taken to the dry cleaners. OxiClean Max Force Laundry Stain Remover Tide Stain Brush Tide To Go Spray and Wash Dual Power Laundry Stain Remover Zout Spray and Wash Stain Stick Bi-O-Kleen's Bac Out Stain and Odor Eliminator Clorox Bleach Pen There are also various home made stain removers that also work well for specific stains.

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What stain remover removes coffee stains?

A stain remover that removes coffee stains varies depending on the type of material. For clothing, pre-soaking in standard laundry detergent generally will remove coffee stains. You can also use Tide Stain Stick or Shout Liquid Laundry Stain Remover to remove coffee stains. White vinegar or a white vinegar and dishwashing detergent mixture will also work.

How do you remove stain from polyester?

Removing stains depends more on the type of stain than on the fabric. I encourage you to ask about how to remove your specific stain, but the following instructions work for an unknown stain. Rinse the stain thoroughly in cool water and use a pretreatment. Wash the shirt on a cold cycle.

How do you remove stains from polyester coolplus wicker clothes?

It depends on the type of stain. Generally you should remove as much of the stain as you can by blotting, pretreat the stain, and then wash it. Certain stains, like blood or milk, will be made worse by hot water.

What are some tips for ink stain removal?

Ways to remove ink stains varies based on the type of material. To remove them from clothing, you can spray with a hair spray, soak in a mixture of warm water, dishwashing detergent,and white vinegar, and then rinse and let the garment dry.

How do you remove stain on shirt?

Removing stains depends on the type of stain. I encourage you to search for instructions on removing the specific type of stain, but the following instructions should do for an unknown stain. Start by blotting up or scrapping off as much of the stain as possible. Then rinse the stain in cool water and pretreat it. Wash the shirt on a cool water cycle.

How do you get pink stain out of clothes?

The best way to remove the stain depends on what type of stain it is. If you do not know, start by rinsing it in cold water. Then use a pretreatment, like Shout or OxyClean, and wash it as you normally would.