

What type of star is Beta Leonis?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Beta Leonis is white-dwarf star. It is also blue-white.

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Q: What type of star is Beta Leonis?
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What type of star is leonis?

Beta Leonis is white-dwarf star. It is also blue-white.

What type of star is denebola?

Beta Leonis (or Denebola) is the second brightest star in the constellation Leo.It is a type A3V star. This means it is very hot 7,500 -> 10,000 Kelvin and will appear as white.

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Beta Leonis (or Denebola) is the second brightest star in the constellation Leo. It is a type A3V star. This means it is very hot 7,500 -> 10,000 Kelvin and will appear as white.

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Beta Leonis (or Denebola) is the second brightest star in the constellation Leo. It is a type A3V star. This means it is very hot 7,500 -> 10,000 Kelvin and will appear as white.

Stars and celestial bodies that make up Leo?

The constellation of Leo contains the main sequence star, Regulus(Alpha Leonis), as well as Beta Leonis, Gamma Leonis, Delta Leonis, Zeta Leonis, Iota Leonis and Tau Leonis. Additional stars include Mu Leonis, Theta Leonis, red giant R Leonis, Wolf 359, Gliese 359, CW Leo, Caffau's Star. Leo also contains the Leo Ring, a group of large quasar groups and several galaxies including Messier 65, Messier 66, Messier 95, Messier 96, Messier 105 and NGC3628.

What are facts about Leo the constellation?

The constellation Leo is the 12th largest constellation in the sky and covers 947 square degrees. The stars in Leo include; Alpha Leonis, Beta Leonis, Gamma Leonis, Theta Leonis, Delta Leonis, Kappa Leonis, Lambda Leonis and Omicron Leonis. The brightest star is Alpha Leonis.

Celestial bodies that are in leo's constellation?

There are many celestial bodies or stars, that can be found in the constellation Leo. The for with the brightest magnitude are Regulus, Leonis, Beta Leonis, and Gamma Leonis.

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There are four major stars that make Leo show up brightly in the sky: Regulus (Alpha Leonis), Beta Leonis (Denebola), Algieba (Gamma Leonis), and Delta Leonis (Zosma).

Which prominent stars are in Leo?

There are 92 stars in the constellation which appear in the Bayer/Flamsteed catalogues. Among the brighter stars are:Regulus (Alpha Leonis),Denebola (Beta Leonis),Algieba (Gamma Leonis),Zosma (Delta Leonis),Adhafera (Zeta Leonis),Other named stars in Leo areAl Ras al Asad al Shamaliyy (Mu Leonis) and Chertan (Theta Leonis).

What type of star is beta?

A beta star is generally, but not always, the second brightest star within a constellation.

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What type of star is algenubi?

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