

What type of substance is concrete?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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It is a mixture.

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Q: What type of substance is concrete?
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Concrete substance or mixture?

A concrete substance is a mixture of cement, water, aggregates (such as sand and gravel), and sometimes additives. When these components are combined and allowed to harden, they form a strong and durable material commonly used in construction for building structures like sidewalks, roads, and buildings.

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Is concrete a pure substance or mixture?

Concrete is a mixture, not a pure substance. It is made up of various substances such as cement, water, aggregates (sand, gravel), and additives. Each of these components retains its own properties and can be physically separated from the others.

Is concrete a pure substance or a mixute?


Is a concrete block a pure substance or mixture?

Concrete is defined as a mixture of cement, sand, and gravel.

Is gold a concrete noun?

YES!!! Because you can hold a piece of gold.. It is a solid object.

Is conrete a pure substance or mixture?

concrete is a mixture

Explain how concrete is a mixture and not a pure substance?

Concrete is a mixture of different substances (compounds) not a sinle compound.

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