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Dull black surfaces they are also best at absorbing it as well. [Shiny and silvery or white surfaces are poor radiators and absorbers of heat. However they are very good in reflecting heat radiation.]

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12y ago
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Krishav Varma

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2y ago
Thanks I really needed this for a project I am working on
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1w ago

Materials with high thermal conductivity, such as metals like aluminum and copper, are good radiators of heat. These materials can efficiently transfer heat through conduction, allowing them to quickly dissipate heat to the surrounding environment. Shiny or polished surfaces also enhance radiation of heat, as they reflect heat radiation more effectively.

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12y ago

Good absorbers are good emitters of heat as well. If the emissivity of a substance is between zero to one, they are good emmitters and absorbers. It is 1 for a perfect black body. Black bodies are good emitters.

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12y ago

shiny surfaces are poor emitters of radiation.

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10y ago

Light shiny surfaces due to that shiny surfaces only are able to reflect infrared radiations, it may also absorb, but that will take a long period of time.

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14y ago

Rough surfaces , dark in colour.

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Q: What type of surfaces are good radiators of heat?
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Which type of surfaces are poor radiators and absorber of heat?

Shiny metallic surfaces, polished surfaces, and light-colored surfaces are poor radiators and absorbers of heat. These surfaces reflect more heat energy than they absorb, which results in lower heat gain.

What type of heat transfer is affected by the colour of surfaces?

Radiative heat transfer is affected by the color of surfaces. Darker colors absorb more heat and emit more thermal radiation compared to lighter colors, which can impact the transfer of heat between surfaces. Lighter-colored surfaces tend to reflect more heat, while darker-colored surfaces tend to absorb and retain heat.

What type of surface reflect heat?

light and smooth surfaces reflect heat energy

How many different types of radiators are there?

There are several types of radiators including panel radiators, convector radiators, column radiators, and electric radiators. Each type has its own design and heating capabilities to suit different needs and preferences.

How does the type of surface affect heating by radiation?

Dark matt surfaces absorb radiated heat much more easily than light-coloured shiny surfaces.

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Infrared rays from the sun have a lot of heat and energy. They are responsible for warming objects and surfaces on Earth.

Does a flashlight have radiation?

Yes, although probably not the kind you're thinking about. Microwaves use electromagnetic radiation to heat food. If the microwave is properly constructed and not damaged, none of that radiation escapes.

How do you heat surfaces?

Surfaces can be heated using various methods such as conduction (direct contact with a heat source), convection (heating air or fluid around the surface), or radiation (emitting heat energy). The most suitable method depends on the type of surface and the desired heating rate.

What type of surfaces radiate heat?

Surfaces like asphalt, concrete, and metal tend to absorb and radiate heat well due to their thermal properties. These materials can retain heat and emit it slowly over time, making them feel warm to the touch even after the sun has set.

What type of metal absorb the heat?

Gold, aluminum, and copper all are good absorbers of heat

What is The Type Of Energy Produced By Friction?

The type of energy produced by friction is thermal energy. When objects rub against each other, the friction generates heat due to the resistance between the surfaces.

how hot are home radiators to touch?

Home radiators can reach temperatures between 120-140 degrees Fahrenheit (49-60 degrees Celsius). However, this can vary based on the type of heating system and the specific radiator design. It is important to exercise caution when touching radiators to avoid burns.