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Q: What type of suture is used during a c section?
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What are suture lines?

A suture is the name given to the stitches used to close a wound or during an operation. The suture lines are the line of sutures used that remain visible even after the sutures have been removed.

What is 2-0 prolene suture used for?

2-0 prolene suture used for = 2

What is a plain gut suture?

A plain gut suture is a type of surgical suture made from collagen derived from the submucosa of the small intestine of sheep or cattle. It is absorbable, meaning it will break down in the body over time, so it does not need to be removed after a certain period. Plain gut sutures are commonly used for soft tissue approximation in surgeries.

What does this phrase mean used a number zero catgut suture?

used a number zero catgut suture

What is Littauer suture scissors used for?

The use of suture scissors is for removing sutures from the body. One of the blades has a notch area in order to slide underneath a suture to snip and remove.

Why the bridle suture is called so?

The term "bridle suture" refers to a specific type of stitch pattern used in surgery that resembles the reins of a horse's bridle. The suture is looped around a structure or tissue to provide controlled traction or retraction during a procedure, similar to how reins control a horse's movement. The name "bridle suture" is derived from this analogy.

Is a 4-0 suture finer than a 2-0 suture?

Yes. "4-0" is another way of writing out "0000", and 2-0 is another way of writing out "00". The more zeroes, the finer the suture. US suture sizes generally range from 11-0 ("eleven-ought", which is incredibly fine suture used for eye surgery) to 5 (heavy suture used for orthopedic procedures).

How can the word ''section'' be used in a sentence?

Example: A section of the wall collapsed during the storm.

What is the medical term for a bladder suture?

Cystoplasty is surgical repair of the bladder.

Why silk should not be used in presence of infection?

Silk Suture is a multifilimate, Making it have hole type things between the fibers of the suture, Thus making Bacteria More Suseptable to catch into the Threads and spread the infections. In the presence of infection you would want to use a Monofilimate such as Polyproplyne

What does suture mean?

Suture is basically a stitch when you have a deep cut. So if you get stitches to close a wound they may tell you how many sutures they used to close the gash. Suture+stitch were as sutures mean stitches, there are no other meanings to this word. Ken...