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Coyotes and badgers do hunt together. In fact, you're far more likely to witness coyotes seeking out food alongside badgers than hunting with other coyotes.

Badgers can readily dig rodents out of burrows but cannot run them down readily. Coyotes, on the other hand, can readily run rodents down while above ground, but cannot effectively dig them out of burrows. When badgers and coyotes hunt in the same area at the same time, they may increase the number of rodents available to the other. Coyotes take advantage of rodents attempting to escape from badgers attacking their burrows and it has been demonstrated that coyotes benefit from the association. Badgers may be able to take advantage of rodents that are escaping coyotes by fleeing into burrows, but it is more difficult to assess whether badgers actually do benefit from this association. Badgers and coyotes tolerate each others' presence and may even engage in play behavior.

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Coyotes have a symbiotic relationship with the badger. They are somewhat like hunting allies. The badgers dig out rodents in the ground and the coyotes attack them.

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with teeth. and claws.

Can you give me a sentence for badger?

I don't know why the badger would share his burrow with the coyote. I saw a versatile boxer badger his way to the championship last night. You really don't want to mess with a badger.

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The honey guide bird can locate honey in a bees' nest but is unable to get to the honey for itself, so it guides the badger to the nest. The honey badger cannot find the nest easily by itself but, once shown the nest by the bird, the badger can open the nest with relative ease, using its huge claws. The badger eats the honey it wants and the bird feeds on the remains. This is an example of a symbiotic relationship. It is also sometimes called mutualism.

When was American badger created?

American badger was created in 1778.

What species-species relationship or example did you find the most interesting or unusual?

Coyote and american badger- the coyote runs the prey down and when it burrows the badger digs it up and they kill it and both eat. Gray wolf and raven- the raven flies over dead animals and the wolves find it that way, or the wolves hunt down and kill something and don't mind if it scavenges. Tiger and jackal- the tiger can hunt the prey and then the jackal warns the tiger if another tiger is coming or another animal.

What is an American badger?

An American badger is a species of badger native to North America, Latin name Taxidea taxus.