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Q: What type of symptoms would we expect from demyelinating disease?
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Who would you diagnose celiac disease?

By comparing your symptoms with the common symptoms of Celiac Disease such as constipation, rashes, weight gain/ loss etc.

I would not expect i?

I would not expect it to get worse over time. The symptoms may last for awhile or go away on their own over time.

Describe one of the Symptoms of this disease?

What disease? I would most likely be able to answer if this question was complete.

Does Margaret thatcher have Alzheimer?

It is very likely that Margaret Thatcher has Alzheimer's. Most people are confused by the term dementia. Dementia is a set of symptoms and is not a disease. To have dementia symptoms, one must have an overlying disease that causes the dementia symptoms. Alzheimer's disease causes 70-80% of all cases of dementia symptoms. Other diseases such as Huntington's disease, Picks disease, Lewy Body disease, Front Temporal also causes dementia symptoms. Parkinson's disease in late stages also may cause dementia symptoms. If one were to say that a person exhibiting dementia symptoms had Alzheimer's disease, one would be right 4 out of times based on statistics alone.

What would be some ovulation disease symptoms?

Ovulation disease symptoms can include muscle cramps, intense spasms, bleeding or spotting, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, fainting, back ache and headaches.

What are the possible symptoms of tuberculosis?

You may not notice any symptoms of illness until the disease is quite advanced. Symptoms would be loss of weight, loss of energy, poor appetite, fever, a productive cough, and night sweats. Even with these symptoms, people will blame another disease and realise the truth even later.

Why would you not suffer any symptoms if you are exposed to the infection again?

With SOME diseases (not all of them) once you are exposed to the disease your body develops an immunity to that disease.

What are symptoms of meningitophobia?

It is a fear of brain disease. The primary symptom would be becoming intensely fearful of damaging your brain or becoming infected with a brain disease.

What would be typical bone disease symptoms in older patients?

Three of the most common bone diseases in older patients are Osteoporosis, in which the symptoms include suffering a fracture, Paget's Disease, which symptoms include bone or joint pain, and a deformity of the bones or joints, and Osteomalacia, which symptoms are pain in the bone, weakness, fragility, and fractures.

What symptoms would suggest you need hormone replacement?

Symptoms that would suggest the need for hormone replacement treatment include counteracting the symptoms of menopause, and possibly preventing osteoporosis and heart disease. Symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and itchy skin.

How did they treat lyme diseases in 1975?

Since they didn't even know that this was a disease at this time, they would treat the symptoms.

Are pain, diarrhea, and weight loss possibly symptoms of Crohn's Disease?

Yes, in fact it can be. The symptoms include those in your question plus more such as a bloody stool. However, it can also not be Chron's disease. For a proper diagnosis I would see your local doctor.