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Q: What type of tapeworm is more of a threat to a dogs owner than to the dog itself?
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What do you call a tapeworm in a dog?

A tapeworm in a dog is called the same thing, a tapeworm. The most common kind of tapeworm found in dogs is the Dipylidium Caninum, which is the cucumber tapeworm or double-pore tapeworm.

How does a dog tapeworm obtai n its food?

A dog tapeworm will eat whatever the dog eats! It will digest the food that the dog has eaten, which is why affected dogs might be thin, as the tapeworm is taking a lot of nutrients from the food.

Why do some dogs chase cats?

people don't completely know but it is probably because the cat seems a threat to owner or maybe just for fun.

Are German shepherd dogs one owner dogs?

All dogs are one owner dogs. The owner is a dogs master,and a dog only has one master. But dogs do like to live with more than one person.

Why do dogs bark at strangers?

They are unfamiliar with the person and seem them as a treat to them and their territory. They bark to alert their owner or defend itself from the presumed intruder.

What is the symptoms of neurocysticercosis in dogs?

Neurocysticerocisis is a parasite tapeworm in the brain. Some symptoms are anemia and loss of appetite. You will need to have the dogs seen by a vet.

Will you find worms in the dogs bed if the dog has tapeworm?

It may sound disgusting, but yes, it is possible to happen.

How do you loose a tapeworm?

Oral medication is the way to get rid of a tapeworm. Ways you can get it is from animals that have the parasite. Insects like fleas give it to domestic animals like cats and dogs when they bite at them then people can get them in the excrement of the animals.

What do you think about stray dogs?

Stray dogs are fine if they are no threat to health or are not viscous

Does the white worms in cats come from pork?

White worms in cats and dogs are probably tapeworm, which is spread by fleas.

Do dogs want to die when they lose their owner?

No, dogs' feelings are deep but they aren't that deep. If they really love their owner than they would really miss their owner or whimper in sadness. Sometimes dogs have a feeling of depression when they lose their owner, though.

This worm looked like a very skinny maggot?

You need to take a stool sample to the vet for a diagnoses, but if it was a small worm that resembled a piece of rice it is more than likely a tapeworm. Tapeworm can reach almost 8 inches the most common way for dogs to get tapeworm is from fleas. Dogs can also acquire tapeworms by eating other infected animals. Or it could be roundworms. Roundworms are long, white and described as looking like spaghetti.