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Q: What type of tax is calculated on a per-item basis?
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Which type of tax is calculated on per item basis?

An excise tax or sales tax is calculated on a per-item basis

Which type of tax is calculated on a per-item basis?

An excise tax or sales tax is calculated on a per-item basis

What type of tax is imcome tax?

Income tax is a direct tax. Individuals and businesses pay direct taxes to the government on a regular basis and it is calculated on all sources of income accrued by the business or individual.

Is fringe benefit tax a direct tax?

Yes. Income tax is a direct tax. Individuals and businesses pay direct taxes to the government on a regular basis and it is calculated on all sources of income accrued by the business or individual.

What is a direct tax?

A tax, such as an income or property tax, levied directly on the taxpayer.Income tax is a direct tax. Individuals and businesses pay direct taxes to the government on a regular basis and it is calculated on all sources of income accrued by the business or individual.

How is the estimated tax refund calculated?

The estimated tax refund is calculated based on the current year's tax codes.

Is it mandatory to deduct depreciation for the purposes of income tax?

Yes, to the degree the law reads your gain will be calculated from the basis of the depreciation taken or should have been taken.

What tax is not calculated as a percentage?

Excise tax

Is the FL Accrual Basis or Cash Basis with Sales Tax?

cash basis

What is a imputed tax?

Imputed federal income tax would be an income tax that the IRS has calculated on some type of imputed income that was received by you and not reported on your 1040 income tax form as a part of your worldwide gross income.

What is the tax basis of accounting?

Whatever basis of accounting is used on an entity's tax return. Typically, used by smaller entities to reduce the burden of financial reporting. Tax basis of accounting is a non-GAAP OCBOA(other comprehensive basis of accounting).

How is the calculation process for deferred tax?

With respect to annuities, the current law is LIFO: last in, first out. So, the IRS taxes interest first, then basis (your after tax contributions. If you annuitize an annuity contract, then an exclusion ratio is calculated by the insurance carrier. This ratio automatically delineates the earnings/basis of each annuity payment and will assist you in the payment of the correct "deferred tax. Hope this is helpful.