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Q: What type of thinking could be described as taking different directions in search of a variety of answers to a question?
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Dichotomous thinking could be described as?

Dichotomous thinking could be described as A. philosophical. B. eccentric. C. black and white. <--- D. closed-minded.

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This is an awfully vague question. Anyone who saw or worked in a mine described the conditions. It may be that you are thinking of the French neo-Romantic novelist Emile Zola, whose "social problem" novel "Germinal." described the brutal misery of a mining town.

Dichotomous thinking could be described?

Dichotomous thinking is a cognitive distortion where individuals see things in black and white, all-or-nothing terms, with no middle ground or shades of gray. It can lead to distorted perceptions, extreme judgments, and difficulty in seeing nuance or complexity in situations.

Dichotomoous thinking could be described as?

black and white

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