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He usually wears Red ones.

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Q: What type of toms does Louis Tomlinson have?
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How many pairs of TOMS does Louis Tomlinson have?

Louis Tomlinson is the creator of TOMS. That's where the brand name comes from TOMlinSon. He probably owns hundreds of pairs and has access to so many more. I hope you know I'm a dirty liar.

What color is Louis Tomlinson's toms?

Navy blue red black and gray

What type of car does Louis Tomlinson have?

Louis Tomlinson has a porsche

What is Louis Tomlinson's signature look?

striped shirts, red chinos, suspenders and toms :)

What is Louis from one direction last name?

Louis tomlinson

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What shoes does Louis Tomlinson like the most?

He obviously LOVES Toms. You always see him wearing them apparently he has every pair a boy could get. Toms gives a pair of shoes to a child who needs them every time you buy a pair from Toms. Good huh?

What kind of car does Louis Tomlinson have?

Louis Tomlinson has a Porsche!

What Louis Tomlinson full name?

Louis William Tomlinson. :)

What is Louis Tomlinson favourite type of cake?

carrot cake!

What is Louis Tomlinson's full name?

Louis Tomlinson's full name is Louis William Tomlinson.

What is Louis Tomlinson's full name?

Louis Tomlinson's full name is Louis William Tomlinson.