

What type of tooth paste do you use after wisdom remove?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The same toothpaste you have always used.

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Q: What type of tooth paste do you use after wisdom remove?
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it depends on the type of the surgery. if it is a wisdom teeth removal then they will To remove the wisdom tooth, your dentist will open up the gum tissue over the tooth and take out any bone that is covering the tooth. He or she will separate the tissue connecting the tooth to the bone and then remove the tooth. Sometimes the dentist will cut the tooth into smaller pieces to make it easier to remove.

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it is not, but you get nosebleeds from the type of blood you have

What about wisdom tooth extraction?

During this type of extraction, an oral surgeon will cut into the gum line to expose the tooth, from which point the extraction is performed much in the same way as a simple tooth extraction.

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The dentist will take a panoramic x-ray which shows your wisdom teeth, abscess, nerves and your jaw bone. They choose not to take a periapical x-ray because it is difficult to get the tooth in this x-ray due to its location.

What should you do if your lower lip got wounded during a wisdom tooth extraction and is getting painful and bothersome?

That is the nature of that particular type of surgery. It will heal.

What type of dentist extracts a tooth?

Usually a dentist if the tooth is required to be removed. If the tooth is just loose because it's a "baby" tooth then it should fall out by itself with time and wiggling. If you are talking about your wisdom teeth that is usually done by an oral surgeon by appointment.

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It depends on the type of stitches they used, but more often times than not, they dissolve.

Can You can take a scratched CD somewhere to get it fixed?

You can try to polish out the scratch with only gel type tooth paste. or try polishing compound from an automotive store. If the label side is scratched it is a goner.

Is incisor type of tooth?

Yes incisor is a type of tooth.The tooth which are the front and you use them to bite.

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Your wisdom teeth Primary teeth are 20 (4 incisors, 1 canine, 2 molars per quandrant) while permanent teeth 32 (4 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars per quandrant, the 3rd moral knows as wisdom tooth). The premolars come out in the place previously occupied by the primary molars, while the rest of the primary teeth are peplaced by their respective permanent one.

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How long will paste stick two boards together?

It depends on the type of paste used.