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Fighting is the verb.
A verb is a word that describes an action.
To fight, are fighting and have fought are the verbs for fighting, depending on the tense.

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Q: What type of verb is fought?
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What is the noun form of fought?

The word fight is a verb (fight, fights, fighting, fought), and a noun (fight, fights).Verb: We don't want to fight about it.Noun: Their fight lasted most of the night.The adjective forms are the present participle of the verb, fighting (fighting words), the past participle of the verb, fought (a fought battle), and fightable (a fightablepoint).

What part of speech is fought?

Fought is a verb. It's the past tense of fight.

Is the verb 'type' a verb?

Yes, type is a verb; type is also a noun.

Are hoplites slaves or soldiers?

Hoplites were soldiers who fought in an early type of massed-lined warfare.Hoplites were soldiers who fought in an early type of massed-lined warfare.Hoplites were soldiers who fought in an early type of massed-lined warfare.Hoplites were soldiers who fought in an early type of massed-lined warfare.Hoplites were soldiers who fought in an early type of massed-lined warfare.Hoplites were soldiers who fought in an early type of massed-lined warfare.Hoplites were soldiers who fought in an early type of massed-lined warfare.Hoplites were soldiers who fought in an early type of massed-lined warfare.Hoplites were soldiers who fought in an early type of massed-lined warfare.

What type of verb is her?

Her is not any type of verb. It is a pronoun.

What is the grammatical error in this sentence he would not have fought them if they followed his advice?

The grammatical error in this sentence is the tense inconsistency. The verb "followed" should be in the past perfect tense to match the conditional verb "would not have fought." The corrected sentence would be "He would not have fought them if they had followed his advice."

Is type a noun or verb?

The word type is both a noun and a verb (type, types, typing, typed). Example uses: As a verb: I type on the computer. As a noun: What type of computer do you use? Verb and noun: First type the cells, then describe the types.

What does fought mean?

The word fought is the past tense and past participle of the verb "to fight" and can also be used as an adjective. Synonyms for fought are battled, quarreled, disputed, clashed, or argued.

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Action verb

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it is an irregular verb.

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It is an intransitive verb.