

What type of water can you put in a hermit crab cage?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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You should put distilled water and and sea salt water in your crab's tank. It shouldn't be deep enough for the crab to submerge itself in, but they have to be able to get out or they can drown.

Hermit crabs need distilled water because the clorine in tap water burns their modified gills and sofacates them, same with table salt. use SEA salt.

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Q: What type of water can you put in a hermit crab cage?
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A crab that lives in the shells of other shell fish is called a hermit crab.

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yes i use to have one and we kept him in a tiny plastic cage but no netting on the edge make sure its safe though it probably depends on the crab. If it is a small crab you could put it in a plastick cage, but when it gets older and bigger you might want to change it. good luck!!

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* It's best to buy a hermit crab with a natural shell rather than a painted one if possible. The paint from hermit crab shells often flakes off over time and can be eaten by the crab. The paint flakes can also find their way inside the shell and can irritate the crab's skin. Some crabs have even had paint flakes puncture their skin. * Before a hermit crab is brought home, all of the necessary hermit crab care items should also be bought if the pet owner doesn't already have them. These include several hermit crab shells of various sizes, a sponge for his water, hermit crab food and a large enough cage to house the crab and all of his supplies. == == anymore questions?? contact me at

Do hermitcrabs live on land or in water?

depends on what kind of hermit crab, there are land and water hermits. they live according to what type they are.

How ong does it take for a hermit crab to grow out of its shell?

This depends on the type of hermit crab, along with the age, and in some cases, gender.

What type of hermit crab is the one found in Hawaii and has white claws?

A Penis Crab.

What type of wood should you put in a hermit crab tank that won't mold?

You should let it mold. It is part of life for a Hermit crab.

What is the best type of hermit crab?

its the spikytops because there very active

How can you give water to your hermit crab?

There are these tiny little sea sponges you can find in little clear baggies hanging up in the fish/reptile care and supplies section of any Walmart and you just soak them with water and set them in the cage. You can also place the sponge in a small jar lid after you wet it if you don't want all the surrounding sand to get wet. You just replace the sponge every few days when it gets drier.