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Q: What type of wave affects the surface of the land causing it to rise and fall like the waves on an ocean?
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Which type of wave affects the surface of the land by causing it to rise and fall like waves on an ocean?


What could be formed at the surface of the ocean?

Wind causing waves are formed at the surface of the oceans.

Which of these best describe the waves of the ocean?

Surface waves

What best describes the waves of the ocean?

surface waves

Ocean waves are what kind of wave type?

Ocean waves are mechanical waves. The waves on the surface are surface waves (particles move in a circular motion) while the waves in the depths are longitudinal (particles move parallel to the wave propogation).

What describes the cause of waves in the ocean?

Waves in the ocean are mainly caused by the wind transferring energy to the water's surface. When the wind blows over the water, it creates friction, causing the water to move in ripples that develop into waves. Other factors like tides, earthquakes, and underwater landslides can also contribute to wave formation in the ocean.

Where is the energy from ocean waves the strongest?

Ocean wave energy is typically strongest in regions where strong winds generate large ocean waves, such as in open ocean areas or along coastlines with consistent high winds. Some specific examples include the North Atlantic Ocean, the Southern Ocean near Antarctica, and areas surrounding the coasts of New Zealand and Scotland.


surface waves

What are facts about waves?

Waves are disturbances that carry energy through a medium or space. They can be categorized as mechanical (require a medium to travel through) or electromagnetic (can travel through a vacuum). Waves exhibit properties such as frequency, wavelength, and amplitude, and can be classified as transverse or longitudinal based on the direction of vibrations.

What has the author Yehuda Agnon written?

Yehuda Agnon has written: 'Nonlinear diffraction of ocean gravity waves' -- subject(s): Ocean waves, Gravity waves, Surface waves, Nonlinear waves

What is the most familiar kind of surface wave?

Ocean waves.

Which seismic waves make the ground roll like ocean waves?

Rayleigh waves which are a type of seismic surface wave.