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The waves you seek are ultra violet waves.

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Q: What type of wave can cause skin cancer and promotes vitamin D production?
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What wave can cause skin cancer and promote vitamin D production?

Ultraviolet radiation, also known as UV light, can cause both skin cancer and Vitamin D production. This type of wave comes from our Sun.

What vitamin if the father take can cause birth defects and cancer?

vitamin b and c can cause serious birth defect

Is radiant energy bad for your body?

That depends very much on what kind of radiant energy and how much of it you get. A large dose of radiant gamma radiation is very unhealthy. A moderate amount of sunshine (which is radiant energy) is good for you and promotes the production of vitamin D. Too much UV radiation will give you sunburn and can cause skin cancer.

Can Vitamin Water cause cancer?

Although not proven, it can be assumed that if it contains aspartine or some other artificial sugar, it may cause cancer.

Explain how radiation can cause cancer?

It ionizes bio maolecules and effects the dna. also promotes unchecked growth of cells . implies cancer.

What is the relationship between cancer and chemicals?

Some chemicals cause cancer, whereas others have been designed to fight it -Apex

Is nausea an effect of alcohol?

alcohol promotes dehydration by increasing urine production. This process can cause headaches and dry mouth, which can, in turn, cause nausea. Ingredients (Like Gluten) of certain alcohols can cause nausea

What are the effects of sunbathing?

it can give u diseases and it cause skin cancer and its really bad for you and hard to get rid of.

Is vitamin K deficiency a cause of bleeding disorders?

Vitamin K is necessary for the production of Clotting Factors II, VII, IX and X. So a vitamin K deficiency could lead to a bleeding disorder. Additionally vitamin K is necessary for the production of the anticoagulant protein C and protein S. Inhibition of Vitamin K function is also associated with clotting disorders though for this to occur there has to be a deficiency in either proteins C or S.

What disease is cause by vitamin l?

There is no such vitamin as vitamin l.

Does a lack of vitamin C cause night blindness?

No, a lack of vitamin C does not cause night blindness, but it can cause scurvy. A lack of vitamin A causes night blindness.

Can silicosis cause cancer?

To the extent that silicosis can lead to tumor production, and the formation of tumors is thought to be a stepping-stone for carcinogenesis, yes, the occurrence of silicosis can herald in cell dedifferentiation, and thus cancer.