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Q: What type of wave displaces the particles of the medium parallel to the direction in which the wave travels?
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In what type of wave do the particles in the medium experience forces parallel to the wave's direction?

The type of wave in which the particles in the medium experience forces parallel to the wave's direction is the longitudinal wave. It is a mechanical wave that travels through a series of compressions and rarefactions.

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What type of wave do the do the particle in the medium experience forces parallel to the waves direction?

The type of wave in which the particles in the medium experience forces parallel to the wave's direction is the longitudinal wave. It is a mechanical wave that travels through a series of compressions and rarefactions.

In what type of wave do the particle in the medium experience forces parallel to the wave's direction?

The type of wave in which the particles in the medium experience forces parallel to the wave's direction is the longitudinal wave. It is a mechanical wave that travels through a series of compressions and rarefactions.

A longitudinal waves cause its medium to move in what direction?

Parallel to the direction the wave travels.

What are components of a longitudinal wave?

The energy travels parallel to the direction of the wave

What is the opposite of a longitudinal wave?

Longitudinal waves consist particles in a medium (ex of a medium= air) vibrate back and forth in a parallel direction to the direction of the wave is traveling. Example of a longitudinal wave are sound waves. Boom! Opposite of longitudinal waves would be a transverse wave where instead of particles moving in a parallel direction, transverse waves vibrate in a medium, side by side perpendicular to the direction the wave travels to. Example of a transverse wave is a light wave. Hope this helped =]

How do particles move when a surface wave passes through a medium?

Movement in a transverse wave is perpendicular to the source. Therefore, individual particles move up & down.

How do the particles of energy in a longitudinal wave move?

In a longitudinal wave, the particles do not move with the wave. The particle movement is parallel to the direction of the wave propagation. This means that the particles move left and right which in turn makes the other particles start to oscillate. This creates a wave. longitudinal pressure waves are also known as sound waves.

A transverse wave cause its medium to move in what direction?

Perpendicular to the direction the wave travels.

Wave motion in which particles vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave travels?

a compressional wave

When a transverse wave travels through a medium which way does matter in the medium move?

When a compression wave travels through a medium, the particles of the medium move parallel to the direction of the wave. Compression waves are commonly called longitudinal waves.