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Q: What type of wave vibrates in the same direction that the wave travels?
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What type of wave that travels in one direction but the energy travels perpendicular to this direction?

trough wave

The type of wave formed when the motion of the medium is along the same direction that the wave travels is?

A longitudinal wave

Type of seismic wave that travels the fastest through rock material by causing rocks to vibrate in the same direction as the waves?

Primary waves.

What Type of seismic wave that travels the fastest through rock material by causing rocks to vibrate in the same direction as the waves?

secondary waves

Which type of wave a sound wave is?

A sound wave is logitudinal because the motion of the medium (air) travels in the same direction as the wave (back and forth).

Which type of waves travels perpendicularly to the direction of its motion?

Secondary Wave S Wave

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Alternating currents travels in only one direction and is the type of current that most electronic devices require including computers?

What type of wave has movement that is parallel to the direction of the wave?

This is a longitudinal wave or a P-wave (primary wave), called so because it travels faster than a transverse wave, which moves at right angles to the direction the wave travels.

What is the type of waves of the propagation of sound in air- Longtudinal or Transversal?

The type of waves for the propagation of sound in air is longitudinal. Longitudinal waves are characterized by the vibration of particles in the same direction as the wave's propagation. In the case of sound waves, air molecules move back and forth in the direction of the sound wave as it travels through the air.

What type of wave do the do the particle in the medium experience forces parallel to the waves direction?

The type of wave in which the particles in the medium experience forces parallel to the wave's direction is the longitudinal wave. It is a mechanical wave that travels through a series of compressions and rarefactions.

In what type of wave do the particle in the medium experience forces parallel to the wave's direction?

The type of wave in which the particles in the medium experience forces parallel to the wave's direction is the longitudinal wave. It is a mechanical wave that travels through a series of compressions and rarefactions.

What type of sound is produced when a string vibrates quickly?

A high-pitched sound results when a string or a column of air vibrates rapidly.