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For most caves, in limestone, sufficient precipitation over sufficiently long time - but cave development also depends the region's geology and geomorphology.

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Q: What type of weather is needed to form caves?
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Which type of lava would most likely form lava tube caves?

Basaltic, low viscosity lava would form lava tube caves.

In what type of rocks do caves form?

Caves usually and mostly forms in sedimentary rocks. Example, Limestone.

Why do caves only form a certain type of rock?

Caves are formed by rainwater dissolving away limestone or sandstone.

What type of deposit form limestone caves?

They don't! Deposits don't form caves, but limestone is a sedimentary rock formed from marine or lacustrine deposits. Caves form within limestone by dissolution of its calcium carbonate by ground-water flowing through the rock's joints, bedding-planes and faults.

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Yes. A tornado is a type of violent weather event.

What type of weather occurs for lightning to form?

cumulonimbus clouds.

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Cougars do not construct any form of shelter.

What type of rocks weather and erode to form sedimentary rocks?

all of them

What type of depositional environment is needed to form limestone?

Deep ocean deposition is the norm for the bulk of limestone formation, although seepage in caves also creates limestone structures, as well as shallow water coral reefs, and hydrothermal surface structures.

What type of animals are in caves?

The most common animal that lives in caves are bats.

Where do you get a rock type Pokemon?

Usually you can find it in caves. Most of them are. So just look in caves. If you need a rock type Pokemon look in caves!! So I hope this helped you!